Chapter Twenty Two - Soul

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Kal had been moved into a new chamber similar to the one that Tony and Bruce had made for her before but this one was much stronger built from and powered by vibrainium. For seven agonizing days but sat outside of it watching her unable to touch her hand or stroke her hair, he rarely left her side, only leaving to shower change and eat.

He had many visitors throughout the day as everyone had remained in Wakanda to get some much needed rest and spend quality time together while waiting for their friend and savior to hopefully wake up. Bucky had become very fond of Morgan who was incredibly precocious and adorable, she was a great distraction from his sadness telling him stories about how Kal would make all her dolls dance about her room or how they would lay in the hammock reading stories.

At night when no one was around he cry until he fell asleep in the chair beside her chamber and dream of their time together.

Kal awoke on her back looking up at the crimson and orange sky above her, the grass beneath her was dry and cool and the air was quiet. She stood up looking around, she was in Wakanda though she wasn't sure exactly where, how did she get here? Just a moment ago she was in New York at the destroyed compound. She was still in her suit and her weapons were secured in place but the gauntlet was gone along with the stones and she could no longer feel their energy.

"Hello my child"

Kal turned to the voice that she hadn't heard for years in shock, Denora walked forward smiling warmly, dressed in colorful robes. Kal's breath hitched in her throat and tears streamed down her face at the sight.

"Mamma?" Kal whimpered before running into Denora's embrace.

Denora hugged her daughter warmly "Yes baby"

"Where are we?"

"The soul realm, the place in between" Denora cupped Kal's face stroking away her tears with her thumb "What a woman you have grown up to be, I knew I named you well"

Kal couldn't help but roll her eyes with a smile at Denora's remark.

"M'Kali you defeated a mad titan saving all life in the entire galaxy in the process. You have grown into an intelligent, strong, kind, compassionate, powerful and loving woman, I could not be prouder of you..... now tell me about your man"

Denora lifted Kal's hand sliding back the leather just below her knuckles to reveal the engagement ring that Bucky had given her, arching her eyebrow inquisitively at her daughter.

"Do you remember Strucker and Lukin talking about the Winter Solider when you were working for them?"

"I do, he was a super solider under their control for a long time"

"Seventy years in total, his name is Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes, but goes by Bucky. He was a solider in World War II , a member of the Howling Commandos before Hydra captured him. T'Challa brought Bucky to Wakanda after he had broken free from Hydra, Shuri helped remove the programming from his mind and he was finally free. He came to live with me, I built a small home out by the lake behind that palace, it was a good place for him to find himself again without the hustle and bustle of the city and palace." Kal sighed thinking about when Bucky first came to live with her "We became friends, but that friendship soon developed into something more, it took us a while but we got there eventually. He proposed to me on his birthday a little over a month before the decimation, before he disappeared right in front of me"

Kal sobbed at the memory of Bucky turning to dust under her hand, her heart broke all over. Denora pulled her into another hug hating seeing her child's heartache.

"I can't describe how much I love him Nora, it's something I have never felt before in my life. He is a wonderful man, so kind, thoughtful, loving, strong, brave and unbearably handsome" Kal chuckled softly.

"I am so happy for you child, you found a once in a life time love and one that deserves yours in return"

"But now it's over, he has returned but I am here. I saw this, I had to sacrifice myself and in turn my love to save everyone"

"And you did so bravely, but it's not over yet. As we speak your friends are working hard to save your life, you are hanging on by a thread" Denora explained "But they can only make it so far, you need to need to go the rest of the way"

"What do you mean?"

"The power from the stones is overwhelming you, while they can keep your body alive only you can control the power that is now within you."

"It's too strong Nora"

"You are stronger my child" Denora squeezed her hand "That power is a part of you now, you are its master now"

Denora held Kal's face in both her hands leaning down placing a kiss on her forehead.

"This is where I leave you my beautiful girl"

"No! Nora, don't leave me again... I need you" Kal pleaded to her mother.

"You have come so far sweetheart, now you just need to go a little bit further" Denora stroked Kal's cheek with her thumb "I love you M'Kali, I am always with you"

With that Denora faded away, Kal dropped to her knees sobbing into her hands for how long she did not know. How was she supposed to control the power from the stones, she didn't even understand how she controlled her own power, now she was here on this astral plane.... alone. She couldn't even feel the power within her here, not even her own.

Kal sat down on the ground with her legs crossed under her and closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath she thought of her friends and family, letting the memories flow through her mind filling her heart with happiness. Then she thought of Bucky, his face and all his unique expressions played through her mind, she smiled to herself as her heart filled with love. She thought of the moment when she saw him walk through that portal, followed by everyone else and her heart swelled with hope.

When Kal opened her eyes she found herself floating high above the plane, a rainbow of energy encircling her, flowing in and out of her. She hardened her gaze at the horizon and clenched her fists, with a flash she was gone.

Bucky slept with his face leaning against the glass of Kal's chamber wanting to be as close to her as possible. A loud thud on the side of the chamber followed by a cacophony of beeps and alarms from Kal's life support woke him. He jumped up in a panic looking at the monitors trying to find out what happened when he heard another thud against the chamber, when he looked down he saw Kal's hand pressed against the glass and her deep mahogany eyes staring back at him.

"Kali?" He said in disbelief.

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