promises you can't keep

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"Don't leave me, Caesar.. please don't let me die."


The bed sheets stirred. Two figures with their legs intertwined slept peacefully, while an arm was holding the slightly larger figure by his waist, followed by a breathy yawn.

"Caesar? Why are you awake?" The brunette opened one eye, scanning the older's face warily.

"I couldn't sleep, I wanted to see your pretty face again." The blonde stooped forwards, resting his face against the other boy's. A few moments passed, when the younger boy splayed his body against the older's knees.

Caesar frowned down at him, while Joseph flashed his winning smile in hopes of making Caesar laugh. They both gazed at each other for a split second, with the brunette catching the blonde off guard and cupping his hands over his cheeks. The older gave him a disapproving scowl, but allowed the younger to touch his face all he liked.

"Hey, Caesarino, I have a question,"

"Make it quick, Jojo."

The brunette shifted up from his spot on Caesar's knees, a seriously concerned expression displayed on his face. "Do you think.. I'll die? I mean, I'm only eighteen, and I haven't even had a girlfriend yet! I don't want to die, I've barely started my life!"

"Aren't we a thing? You don't need a girlfriend if you're staying with me." Caesar laughed quietly.

"That's not what I meant, dummy. What if both of us die? What if I don't get to say goodbye to anyone? I don't want to end my life like this! All of this is fucking stupid, why do I have to deal with it?" Joseph could feel his eyes tearing up, but he wouldn't blink. He wouldn't cry in front of Caesar, he wouldn't let him see the vulnerability he was in.

The older boy analyzed Joseph's face, noticing his eyes getting softer. "Joseph, please don't cry, amore mio."

But it was too late. The brunette was already sobbing into Caesar's chest, not caring if he got made fun of after that. The blonde felt horrible, he hated seeing Joseph upset. He just held him close, as the younger boy trembled and shook with nothing but utter terror bursting inside of him.

Caesar tilted the brunette's chin up with two fingers, brushing his lips against the other boy's tear stained cheeks. He continued to cry, but the blonde wouldn't leave his efforts of comforting. He mumbled empty whispers he couldn't guarantee into Joseph's ear, just to stop his violent shaking.

"Non piangere, staremo bene, lo prometto."

Joseph shook harder, but no tears could escape his eyes. "Don't leave me, Caesar.. please don't let me die."

Caesar couldn't promise that. He just rocked back and forth, holding Joseph's sobbing form until he finally calmed down. The blonde peered outside of the slightly opened window, realizing the sun was near rising. Caesar supposed he should let Joseph sleep, but he didn't want to wake him by standing up. The older let out a sigh, then slowly cradled the younger boy until he was fast asleep.

The brunette woke up abruptly while the blonde was in the middle of littering his face with little kisses, and he smiled brightly. "Sorry about all of this, I didn't mean to keep you up-"

Caesar paused him with a finger on his lips. "Shh, Jojo, it's all right. Just try to get some sleep, vita mia."

Joseph peeped at him appreciatively. "I love you, even if you are a stupid Italian casanova."

The blonde beamed. "I like how easy it is to get you to say you love me. It's simply adorable, tesoro~"

The brunette frowned. "Easy? Yeah, right. Shut your gorgeous mouth."

The compliment battle went on further, until Caesar got tired of Joseph running his mouth and walked off without a goodbye kiss.

"CAESARINO, YOU FORGOT TO GIVE ME A KISS!" The younger boy whined, trailing at the older's heels as they reached the bathroom. Caesar complied to Joseph's request and kissed his neck gently, leaving both of them breathless and contented. Who could ask for more?


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