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Anything was better than thinking about the lovely boy you couldn't have..


"Suzi Q, can you write down just one more word? I need to copy your handwriting spot on."

"Why do you even want to know how?"

"Because. It's personal."

"Could you get me a date with Joseph?"


Suzi continued scribbling words on the page, her baby blue eyes turning to Caesar every fraction of a second to snap. He noticed that she was blushing, but it made a feeling of resentment poke his stomach. He didn't want Suzi to like Joseph, he wanted Joseph to himself, even though he knew Joseph was most likely not into men. Caesar swung both ways.

"Okay, I'm done! Ciao, Caesar!" Suzi cried in a sing-song tone.

"Thank you." The blonde nodded to her and she skipped off, singing something in Italian. Her voice drifted in the wind, all he could make out was; 

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore! When you dance down the street with a cloud at your feet, you're in love!~

That was the way Caesar felt about Joseph. But he knew Suzi felt the same way. He'd always observed her when she was around Joseph, her cheeks flushing pink when he flirted with her. Caesar had always felt a bit envious, that Suzi received his undivided attention, but the girls he went out with randomly made up for it. The blonde had no interest whatsoever in them, but it gave him a sense of romance and who he should be interested in.

But he was in love with Joseph Joestar. Straight. Heterosexual. Eterosessuale. He liked women and it was obvious to tell in any language.

Caesar scurried away to find a piece of paper, and then began to write. He pondered for a few minutes on how to start the letter, but he caught on and had the letter finished in less than two minutes. Caesar admired his work, and he thought he might just keep Suzi Q's handwriting.


"Hey, Caesarino! Guess who it is!" A pair of hands were slipped over Caesar's eyes, but the blonde just groaned.

"Jojo, there's only one person who calls me 'Caesarino' and it's you."

"Aw, couldn't ya just play along?" Joseph ruffled the older boy's hair, causing his hands to be grabbed quite roughly.

Caesar held his hands for a moment, until Joseph gave him a weird stare. "Uhm, can you let go now?"

"Oh, right, scusi, Jojo." He released the younger's hands and scolded himself internally. Caesar, what were you thinking? He's going to know you like him-

"Oh! I forgot to, uh, tell you earlier. I got a letter from Suzi Q! I think she likes me." Joseph interrupted Caesar's thoughts. Caesar's face flushed, but it was barely visible because of his tanned complexion.

"Er, Jojo, that's great and all, but.. I think I should go." The blonde stood up, not even giving the brunette a final glance before sprinting off to their room. He hoped he wouldn't be back for a bit. Caesar flopped down on the bed, staring at the ceiling with a sudden renewed interest. Anything was better than thinking about the lovely boy you couldn't have. Everything about him made Caesar want to smile, to run his hand through his beautiful brown locks. How he longed to touch them, just to feel Joseph smiling under him. He was beautiful, and Caesar would never think otherwise. Sure, he was stubborn at times, but under all that was a sweet side that showed only for Caesar. He could practically think about Joseph for hours on end and not get bored, but maybe that was because he craved attention and longed to feel someone else close to him.

At that moment, Joseph burst through the door, startling Caesar. "Jojo! Fuck, don't scare me like that!"

The brunette had a playful twinkle in his eyes as he plopped himself on the bed, right next to Caesar. "Suzi Q told me about what happened."

"The.. the handwriting thing?" The blonde gulped. Joseph nodded.

"Caesar.. it's okay if you like Suzi too, I-" The brunette stopped midsentence, staring at Caesar. An unreadable gaze covered his face.

"Joseph, I don't like her.. I like.. nevermind." The blonde balled his fists in frustration, earning a side glance from Joseph. He never called him Joseph unless he was angry.

Joseph was thoroughly confused. "Caesar, I'm a bit confused, what do you mean?"

"I can't explain. Spiacente, Jojo." Caesar shook his head, his green eyes shimmering in the dim light of their room. Joseph's eyes were a darker shade of green than Caesar's, but how he admired them.

Then he did the strangest thing. The slightly taller man strode over to the blonde and wrapped his arms around his torso, in a tight hug-squeeze. Caesar smiled. That was all he wanted.

"Ti amo, Jojo." The blonde observed that their heartbeats were matching, as they held each other in a tight embrace.

"I don't speak Italian, but I hope what you said was good." Joseph giggled.

"I said I love you, stupid. Jojo, have you always been an idiot?" The blonde punched Joseph's shoulder playfully, and they both burst out into a fit of laughter.

Joseph was comfortable, right in Caesar's arms, and that was where he intended to stay.


that's the end! brbfdbdvmdvjsjfsdj i stg this is my first fic that i've posted and it's super sucky and inconsistent but like im trying,,, i hope you like it,,

also should i post my drafts? i have like 6 fics in there haha

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