I'm cold...

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Sorry that I'm taking so long, it's a extremely busy week. But I will try to make at least one more! Have a good day!

Y/N p.o.v

I was now wailing but I couldn't hear myself. My memory was blurring together so fast. What even happened? I was still looking at the pebbles lost in thought. I forgot about the voice and footsteps. "Hey, you even listening?" I heard a firm, rude, and deep voice ask me. They shook me out of my thoughts. Very rudely my I add. My tears kept running and my head kept pounding. My left arm still hurt's. My knee's and legs hurt even worst though. The person shaking me then violently lifted my chin. "Hello. Answer me." I saw his face, well... mask? It was a porcelain and creepily old one. It was slightly cracked and ... feminine? The eye's were outlined in black and the lips too. Was this a guy? No, no, their shoulders were more broad. Whatever it doesn't matter.

They seemed demanding "I" I tried to choke out a response but I couldn't. I just tripped all over my words. I wanted to just spill out how confusing this was. But I tried. "I-I- I- I m c-co" I was still shivering but it was so hard that if you weren't me you would understand. That I was freezing. "What. You're cold?" They asked in a more sympathizing manner than their stern one. I nodded since that was true but, it wasn't what I was trying to say. Screw it. If they can get at least one thing right, I'll accept it. It's better than nothing. "Well, that's not even close to a proper response to what I asked but oh well." I notice the masked figure had kept a close eye on my necklace. Too close of an eye actually. Great, are they gonna rob me? Really, while I'm down on my luck? Whatever, doesn't mater. I don't matter. All that matters is finding out where I am and how I got here... "I asked if that's your necklace, or did you steal it?" I shook my head and tried to say something but couldn't. They sighed, "Fine I'll just have to do this the hard way then." They said sounding grumpy and not pleased to be here.

"Did you steal it?" I shook my head furiously I seemed kinda hurt. Me? I would never steal, except that one time I stole a toy phone out of a Walmart. But they didn't need it. Hehe "Was it given to you?" I nodded not as hard as when I shook my head. I was starting to feel dizzy. But I just kept my attention on the masked figure. "K. Can you walk?" The voice just sounded dull, not wanting to be here. I wanted to speak up and tell them to leave me alone. Why am I even talking to them. Where tf was I?! What even happened. I tried to look at where I was but the masked male had all of the sidden just picked me up. I wanted to oppose but I didn't have enough energy to talk or even wiggle around. They had just thrown me over their shoulder. It was extremely uncomfortable and hurt my stomach. But I physically could not complain. I couldn't even see anything besides the figures jeans. Nice.

After a minute or two. They had all of the sudden just started running. All I could hear now was the rustling of the dirt under us. My eye's were slowly closing and opening. I was so close to giving into my tiredness. But I knew better. If I did. What would this stranger do to me? The more I thought about it... the more I began to panic. Shit, I'm screwed if I don't get my energy back. What happens if I don't get it back in time?! Will they try something? My breathing noticeably hitched. I was now scared. Where was my mom???!!! I started tearing up again. I was now sort of hyperventilating. I think the person carrying me noticed my shift in mood. Did mom finally have enough of me and leave? She finally figured out I was just a burden. That's probably it. But, last I remember I was waiting in the car. Wait. WHERE WAS I? Why do I keep asking this question? My body is just dangling. I don't want to move anymore. I want to stop breathing. No, no. Maybe what I was thinking is just made up. Maybe I dozed off? She's probably still in the store, yeah that's it... I'm just overreacting.

But this is a weird dream... that's all. Why was this masked figure so interested in my necklace? Was this gonna be a dirty dream ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) oooo~ My minds so baaaddd. 😳 Hey wait a minute... why could I feel pain all over my body? If this was a dream, that wouldn't be happening. Right? Uhhhhh I can also smell that dense forest smell. And I could also smell something metallic on the stranger carrying me. My noes had naturally scrunched up. How come I didn't notice that before? Why haven't I noticed anything? Hmmmmmmm I'm starting more and more to think this isn't a dream. 🤔 I pressed my lips together thinking. I was shivering because I felt so cold. My body ached each time I bounced against the stranger. Each time he stepped keeping a steady speed while running. I let out a deep sigh. Gee my mood changed fast. I wanted to speak up and ask where we are going. I carefully tried to move my arm but I was stopped with pain shooting through my arm I was about to scream when the person carrying me just picked up speed out of nowhere.

Masked figures p.o.v.

I had realized if I didn't pick up my speed, I was bound to get back in a hour. The girl on my shoulder was acrually surprisingly light. She was decent looking and was scruffed up horribly. She seemed distressed and extremely confused. She was bleeding a fuck ton but I mean. Oh well. She might live. If boss let's her... I kept running and suddenly there was a sharp ass turn. "SHIT" I yelled out suprised

Y/N's P.o.v
I was just waiting for us to arrive soon but I don't know if that will ever happen. Oh well, right? Suddenly all I heard was the person carrying me yell out "SHIT" and I had little time to react. All I knew was something bad was about to happen. All I felt was my head harshly crashing into something hard. My vision then became all black.


Hello dear reader, thanks for reading I truly, truly, apologize that this had took so long. Please forgive me! Anyways I hope you enjoyed! Have a nice day!!!
Word count: 1162

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