4th of July special UwU

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Ok so like if you don't live in the U.S.A. well this is basically what we do. We light off fireworks cause we got our independence today. So we like celebrating it. Lol anyways, I won't make this about Murica. It's just gonna be what I find fun on this day. Anyways, hope you enjoy.

I was immediately met with two crimson eye's. Out of reflex I went further down into the couch ready to scream only to be met with another pair of eye's. This pair however was icy blue and struck me as heartless. Oh boy. "She looks scared, Smiley." I heard a voice speak. I could feel eye's studying my body. My face went beet red and I tried to cover up. I could have sworn I had the blanket on and I'm extra sure I'm not that restless when sleeping. I pulled the blanket over me in turn leaving me less exposed.

"I should have told you but we had a couple of people you have yet to meet..." I heard Masky say. "No shit Sherlock..." I say under my breath. "What?" He asked. "Nothing." I said grogy. He was about to introduced me to a whole slew of characters. "I'm Bloody Painter." The guy with icy blue eye's who was checking out my body. He gave a wave not caring too much. "I'm Dr. Smiley. You can just call me Smiley though." He said, his mask covering his mouth. I could feel him smile though. "I'm Kagekao!" A over joyed voice with a thiccc Japanese voice spoke. He wore a mask black and white. I was going to shake his hand but he went for a hug instead. I was immediately taken back but I hesitantly hugged back. I had a flash of something like a memory. But it was so blurry I could only see darkness. "I'm Jason the Toymaker, you could just call me Jason though." He smiled at me. It oddly made me feel warm and safe to be here.

After that they all just went upstairs. As soon as they left more came down. "HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY HOE'S!!!" I heard someone yell. Then I heard a loud BANG I was so spooked I jumped up flinching. Turns out it was Jeff. Toby wasn't kidding, he is an asshole. We all had lunch, this time the only seat that was open was near Bloody painter. He was kind of cold shouldering me. Fine fuck you too. That's what I wanted to say, but I didn't. The meal went in for what felt like forever but I bit my tounge. As soon as we were done I noticed some people we conversing with the people who just came back.

"Y/N! Wanna help me make things for later today?" I heard someone say, I saw it was Dark Link. "Um... sure!" I said shy at first but getting a rush of some adrenaline. "So, what're we making?" I asked super hyped. "Well, we'll make some Cherry Limeade and chocolate banana's. Maybe some créme brûlée." He said tapping his chin thinking. "Ok!" I said just happy to help. When we were making the cherry limade's Dark Link muddled too hard in turn tipping the drink over. I laughed so hard to the point where I almost couldn't breathe. He was also laughing. Then Masky came in looking for a drink and feel straight on his ass. This made Dark Link and I errupt in laughter. Masky however, was not having it. After cleaning stuff up and finishing our preparations we sat on the couch.

Jeff was making a fool of himself. I could hear someone coming towards the living room. It was Hoodie. "Boss says that we can go out to the lake to have dinner and light off fireworks." He said standing in front of us all. We all nodded I could hear someone say "oh hell yeah!" I could hear their excitement. I laughed at how cute it was. Everyone started packing up and I helped Dark Link load the cooler, food, and fireworks in this huge ass car. There were two cars, one was huge while the other was just a three rows. There was also a third car, but it looked kind of worn out.

After everyone got packed up and ready to go, I had to choose what car to go in. The huge one or three rows. I decided three rows since I'm not fond of everyone. I sat between Liu and Jeff. Jeff was getting pissed since he just had to sit next to me. While BEN, Kagekao, and Jason sat in front of us. Hoodie drove this car while Toby sat next to him. This made for one long ass car ride, I of course tried to entertain myself only for it to fail. I could feel Jeff glaring daggers into me while Liu averted his eye's looking towards the window. Every once in a while he'd glance at us. Kage was just on his knee's staring at me which made me flustered. He seemed intrigued by me, I couldn't tell you why though. BEN was just playing on some console while Jason was sewing something together? Oh well, Toby was just humming a song on the radio. Hoodie just seemed unfased and in his own world. I wondered how the other's were, I don't know them that well but they seem like cool people.

As soon as we arrived we quickly unpacked excited to do our own things. Sadly I didn't know what I could do though. The wind blew gently pushing my hair along with it. My clothes baggy, were all over the place. Dark Link, Masky, Hoodie, and I set up some folding chairs. I could see Jeff chasing BEN and Liu chatting with Nathan. Everyone seemed to have a buddy, but not me. I can't lie, it stings but maybe... one day I could befriend them all. I'll just have to try. I just watched the lake, it was clear and blue. Sparkling with the light that reflected off it.

The sun was setting and we got the food along with the sweets and drinks out. There was a line. I was pushed to the way back. Isolated to be by myself, it was like I was the plauge or something. No one wanted to socialize with me. Sucks for them I guess. All I had was nature, it has a funny way of romanticizing loneliness huh. Once I finally got my food I went down towards the water, I felt a chill climb up my back. Shivering a bit, I ate my food alone. I then felt a hand on my shoulder, I was pretty jumpy since I thought I was alone. I heard the culprit laugh. "So Y/N, having fun?" Masky asked. I mean if you call being isolated by yourself for no reason then, sure. "Yep" I lied with a smile acting happy. He probably smiled at me under his mask. That's what I'd like to think.

"We're about to light of the fireworks... Wanna do it too?" He asked, he seemed less scarier then usual, that's nice. I thought about it for a minute. "Hey, if you're weighing out the pros and cons. I'll make sure Jeff won't bother you." I could hear the smile that was forming on his face. Oh fuck it, why not? "Sure!" I smiled confident in this activity. It was now so dark I could barely make out a lot of shapes, but that's what made this fun! We walked towards the large group where there was a whole shit ton. Toby was just handing them out. I found this sort of funny. He gave me 15 big ones and said "D-Don-t blo*tic*w you-r hand u-up!" I smiled then ran towards some flat ground excited.

"You're going down punk!" I heard BEN yell at me. "YOU WISH!!! MURICA FUCK YEAH!" I yelled lighting a firwork off. Then there was a loud BOOM followed by a blue shower of light. "Hellllllll yeahhhhh boi!" I yelled happy it looked so cool. I saw a lot of the group lighting off fireworks near each other. At least I had BEN that's better than nothing I suppose. I looked back towards BEN to see he left me. "Damn." I said under my breath. Oh well, I'll just have to enjoy this myself. I lit off all of my fireworks watching the show it would create. Then I sat on the grass watching the rest of them light off their stuff, it was pretty and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Soon enough it was time to leave, and I was worn out. Sleepily I helped clean up and put away the stuff. After doing that I got my sore body into the car, throwing myself into a seat not giving a shit who it was anymore. Turns out some people decided to switch cars, so I was sitting next to Bloody Painter and Kagekao. Kage was just braiding my hair, I don't know why he's so close to me already but fuck it. I could hear him humming some song while Bloody Painter just was drawing in a sketch pad. I was kind of leaning on him since I was so tired. He didn't seem to mind it though. I closed my eye's listening to the gentle hum of Kage. I soon let sleep overtake me.

WOOOOOO I HAVE SO MUCH CAFFEINE IN MY SYSTEM LETS GOOOOOOOOO! Anyways, I'm currently in a car going to a zoo or something. God damn was I tired, but not anymore! Also sorry this took so long to come out, the party yesterday took all my attention away from this. I was pissed when I couldn't get this done last night. Sorry it was a day late but I guess, better late than never. Thanks for reading, have a nice day! Peace
Word count: 1680

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