The Three Musketeers

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The story's gonna change a lot at this point I do have my source material on hand though so I hope this is good!

F/M/N = fake male name

After taking Marie to her home and saying hello to her charming parents, I decided to go to Coopers Yard early.

After turning the corner I see the young lad there with another man.

He is very handsome- wait what? Was that my thought? Have I hit my head? I must be more tired from my journey than I thought.

Shaking my head I make my way towards the them as two other men walk over as well.

"My seconds, and someone I do not know."


"You're fighting this rascal?" The tallest on ask

"My appointments, one o' clock..." he points toward the giant as I had deemed him

"...two o' clock..." pointing to me as I nod to the men

"...and three o'clock." The end of the blade now moving to the final man.

"So what did you start all these duel for?" I ask curious as to how he manage to anger so many people.

"Called the town drunk."

"Accused me of mooching of a lady."

"But don't you?" The first on commented, causing me to chuckle as the man glared at his friend.

"He was mad about a citation I gave him." The one I dubbed the priest says.

"And you?" The handsome one asked me

Shaming myself for so easily labeling him with that title I answer the question

"I called him a shame to his parents after pushing a young girl and myself to chase a man."

Nodding he asks the trouble maker "How long have you been in Paris?"

"Arrived this morning."

"You've been busy." I say taking a seat on an unopen barrel

"Patience is not one of my virtues."

"Neither are good manners!" The giant pipes up.

"Wait your turn old man." The boy snaps back

"What would you like me to put on your headstone, little s***?"

"He shall not be missed by any he challenged." I add on, getting tired of the boy's tone

"D' artagnan" the boy replies

"D' artagnan. I'm Athos, this is Porthos, and Aramis."

"And your name is?" The one I know is Aramis asks

"F/M/N is what I go by right now." Before any of them could ask D'atagnan makes the connection of the three mens names

"The Three Musketeers. I've heard of you, from my father. A musketeer himself, In fact, I came to Paris to be one of you." I could tell he was very proud of his father.

"Your a little late I'm afraid." Aramis says

"What happened?" I ask before D'artagnan has the chance to.

Grimacing Athos replies "Oh bad mission, budget cuts, cardinal, progress take your pick." Getting the sense they didn't want to talk about it I nod my head accepting his answer.

"Well, welcome to Paris." Aramis says smirking

"Pity you came only to die on your first day." I finish making a smirk of my own, not that they could see it.

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