The Ending

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It's day five of our journey, and we are cutting it close. On the bright side, my more sarcastic side has calmed down a bit.

I always become a lot more rude when my students are being hurt in some way, Anne especially.

Another good things is I have gotten much closer with everyone during the trip.

I trained D'artangan a bit and ended up telling everyone my identity as The Servant. They were surprised but took it quite nicely.

Aramis and I ended up talking about a few books and ideas on life. Planchet and I shared a few recipes and decided on trying to cook together when we get back.

Porthos and I both had a bit of an interest in fashion and we bonded over our taste in wines, although I don't drink often that doesn't mean I don't know my wines.

Then there Athos, after the whole ordeal with Milady we started to speak much more on our past relationships and started to just talk about life in general. I think I've told Athos more about me than anyone I've ever met. Even my late husband and I didn't talk this much, it's not a problem to admit I have grown very fond of him during this trip. But with all that has happened and our histories with relationship, I really don't know if I should even try to start one with him. I do care about him but maybe it isn't the right time.

I was thinking about what to do as we start to see France.

Home at last.

Planchet throws up again and yells "I hate air travel!"

Only seconds later we're hit by something.

Athos grab the telescope from D'artangan and looks around as we get hit again.

Yelling a curse we all look to see another much bigger airship coming towards us.

I squint try to figure out what I see on the front of the ship, my eyes widen as I realize.


"Ah, Gascon. I see you've traded up in transportation. But once again you've been outmatched. You can thank Milady for that, she passed on Buckingham's plans a long time ago. As you can see we've made some improvements!"

Rochefort laughs before continuing "isn't she a beauty!"

"What do you want?!?" D'artangan says,

Rochefort looks around like that was a stupid question, "The diamonds?"

"Come and take them!"

"Gladly! You I can blast you out of the sky with total impunity, but if you fire on me no the other hand you'll be killing 'Miss oh so young and pretty'!"

D'artangan starts to squirm as he finally sees Constance

"You have sixty seconds."

We turn to each other and start talking.

"He'll shoot us down the moment he has the diamonds."

"We can't outrun them."


"Oh D'artangan..." Athos says

"What?! You thin you have the monopoly on loss? What if she dies? The life of one woman or the future of France, what would you do in my position?" D'artangan yells in panic and worry.

"I've made a lot of sacrifices, a lot of hard choices in life. For honor, for king, for country, you wanna know what I've learned boy? Hard choices and sacrifices do not keep you warm at night." Athos tells him and I join in.

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