Trust No One

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"So now what, do we pick up where we left off?" Dar'tangan asked a tired from the last fight.

"Are you that eager to fight lad?" I remark with a hint a amusement.

"I think there been enough fighting one day." Athos states

"Besides, any man who's and enemy of Rochefort is a friend of mine." Porthos exclaims

"Who's Rochefort?" Dar'tangan ask confused

Both me and Aramis look at him as if he had just grown horns

"Captain of the Cardinal's guard, right hand of the most powerful man in France. Rochefort is the most feared swordsman in all of Europe, beside the Servant." Aramis explains to the uninformed lad

"You certainly know how to pick your fights!" I say, chuckling at the notion of Dar'tangan thinking he could take Rochefort on by himself.

"Like I said, he insulted my horse, and who's the Servant?"

I wasn't to surprised he didn't know the name, it wasn't as well known as Rochefort.

"Well, they say the Servant is a musketeer for certain missions." Aramis explained, "Special cases that would be far more on the other side of the law. Heck, no one even knows if they work for France."

D'artangan turn to Aramis, "Why are they called the Servant?"

Before Aramis answers Athos does first, "Those who have seen him say that he always bows and says 'For they're majesty.' Probably nothing but some ridiculous rumor though."

Well, no. That is what is said but it's not like I can correct them. I think before D'artangan speaks

"Wonder if I could challenge him..."

Porthos laughs and I try not to snicker.

Oh, if you only knew boy.

"You're reckless, arrogant, impetuous, probably be dead by sundown, but I like you lad! Where will you be staying?" Porthos inquires

"No idea"

"Ah, do you have any money?"

Dar'tangan turned to his saddle bag and hold out a small pouch of money, doesn't seem like he thought this far ahead.

"Well you and your fine steed, or welcome in our humble home!"
Porthos decides with out the other consent, but they seem okay with the idea.

"For the time being." Athos adds

"And what about you F/M/N?" Porthos turns to me wondering if I need a room as well.

"I have accommodation already secured but thank you for your concern." I answer. Anne had already written that she had a room for me at the palace but I had a few hours before I was expected at the gate.

"Well any chance you would like to join us in celebration?"

It does sound tempting.

"I suppose but do you have anywhere I can leave Charity?"

"Yes over there and for your horse as well Dar'tangan's." Aramis says while pointing to a stable.

Taking our horses for some well deserved rest I strike up conversation with the boy

"Your sword fighting was quite impressive for someone your age."
I say aware of the akward silence that was taking place.

"Thank you, your skill with you daggers was amazing, did you have a teacher?" He asks

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