The talk about another person that people think you like.

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~Times skip to the next morning!~

Y/N's P.O.V.

I woke up with the light from the window shining on my face. I squint before trying to remember what happened last night.

~flashback~ (insert me making weird wind noises)

I arrived back at the castle and made my way to Anne's room to check on her before I retired. I may not be her tutor anymore, but old habits die hard. Knocking on the door, I hear a faint 'Come in' before I open one of the grand doors to see Anne sitting on the side of her bed. It seemed that the maids had already left so it was just the two of us.

We had talked for a while before Anne asked me a question.

"Why were you dressed in men's clothes when you arrived here Y/N?"

I raise my brow at her "Because the journey is dangerous."
(I wrote it as 'me brow' and now I all I see is a pirate reading a fanfiction 😂)

She shook her head "You and I both know that that wouldn't have mattered. What happened on the last mission?"

I sigh knowing she wouldn't let it go. "Buckingham was there he tried to capture me, since he saw me with out my mask, I felt it safer to stay in costume for the remainder of my journey."

Anne nodded understanding "Do you think it will be a problem if he sees you?"

I shake my head "No. I've already been established as your former tutor, so it would be fine. I was already finished my mission when he saw me so my identity is not at risk."

With her mind at ease, she changed the topic. "So how do you know the musketeers?"  She asked, with mischeif gleaming in her eyes.

"We met at the fight yesterday." I answer straight out.

"And why was Athos staring at you when you were beside me?"

I sigh knowing what she's asking,  "Athos knew I was female, but I didn't tell them I was on good terms with you. I'm sure anyone would be shocked to see someone they just fought with standing beside the queen."

"And the others smirking?" They were what?

"Most likely because they didn't know I was a woman."

"Oh? So you only told Athos" this girl and her theories.

"Athos found out on his own and I confirmed his theory. I would have done the same if the others had figured it out."

"Okay, I should warn you Buckingham will be welcomed at the parade tomorrow." I groan and Anne laughs.

"Yes my sentiments exactly. Please, do try not to kill him though."

"No promises."

~The long flashback is over~ (another weird wind noise)

A knock on my door brings me out of my mid-wake up stupor.

"Come in." I say expecting Anne or one of the maids, that was not who it was.

"Hello again Madame!" I hear as I turn to see Marie and her mother with a box, which I assume contains my new outfit we designed yesterday.

"Why hello Marie!" I say finally entirely waking up.

Marie's mother smiles at me "Well lets get this on you shall we?"

Skip to the parade brought to you by Constance's sass

Skip to the parade brought to you by Constance's sass

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Athos' P.O.V.

We arrived at the castle around an hour before the parade was set to start.

That was fourty-five minutes ago and I hadn't seen Y/N once. It wasn't a big deal but I was a bit curious as to what could take so long.

I started to space out when I heard a cough beside me.

"So, you knew Y/N was a woman?" I hear Porthos say,

Oh God not this.

I avoided talking about it last night by staying in my room, but I can't leave right now, so I'm stuck listening to whatever they think up.

"D'artangan knew as well." I state and go back to looking at nothing particular.

"Yes but D'artangan already has a girl."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"I think what Porthos is trying to say is we haven't seen you look at a woman that long since..." Aramis stops before he says the last of his sentence.

"...well, a long time." He tries to make it sound like that was what he was going to say but I knew it wasn't. Before I could answer I heard a voice from behind me.

"Sorry I took so long, Marie's mother insisted I fix my hair and that she personally help me into the outfit."

I look up to see Y/N in her new suit. It was a mix of more practical and fancier materials. Her H/L, H/C, hair cleaned up and a small clip to finish it all off.

 Her H/L, H/C, hair cleaned up and a small clip to finish it all off

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I left the name for anyone who likes this I just looked up clips. You can chose a different color or an entirely different pin if you want. I picked it so that short hair would still fit as well.

"You clean up nice as a woman!" I hear Porthos say.

She smiles, and looks at all of our outfits. "You all look quite nice today as well!"

I guess I was staring because I saw Aramis smirking at me when I turned around.

I leaned over to her slightly when they were looking away and whispered to her.

"He was right, you do look good today."

"Well, thank you very much." She says smiling and standing next to us while we wait.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I feel myself blush at Athos comment and quickly look down. God, I must look so ridiculous right now.

Get a grip you are grown woman not a young lovesick child!

Shaking myself out of that, I think on what to do when HE speaks to me, which he will. I groan at the thought of having to kneel to that man.

We stand there for a few minutes before I see Anne making her way out. I smile when she looks my way and she smiles back when we see the sky darken.

What is that thing?

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