Sea Academy! Numero 2

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Last time on this weird fanfiction story, Y/n stumbled onto his Dad, Jotato Kujo flirting with some underaged Female dolphins! Why would a 39-year-old do that? And where's the FBI when you need them.

Y/n: That shitty old man!

He approached Jotaro and his flock of fangirls, he pushed through some of the forls to get to his dad and demand an explanation of why is he here. Y/n didn't care if he hurt one of the female dolphins because after all some are the same as the thots on the internet.

Y/n grabbed Jotaro's jacket and pulled themselves out of the sea of Female Dolphins then booked it. After a while, they managed to lose the pod of horny Dolphins.

Y/n: Alright, Why are you here of all places?

Jotaro: A job.

Y/n: Job? To what?

Jotaro: The Speedwagon Foundation wanted me to investigate something.

Y/n: And that is?

Jotaro: A strange anomaly?

Y/n: Wha- This hurts my Brain so I'll just stop there.

???: Jojo! Jojo!

Both the father and son looked to where the voice was, It was Ranka's. She's running on all fours at full speed towards the Two Jojos, the cooking club is right behind her.

Ranka: Jojo! Jojo!

Y/n and Jotaro: Yes?

Ranka: Eh? There's two Jojos?!

Jin who was the first to catch up with Ranka, stood there exhausted.

Jin: You *Pant* dumb dog!

Y/n: Umm... Why are you here?

Jin: That stupid dog thought you were lost and dragged us along.

Y/n: But I wasn't.

Ranka: Who's he? Is he your older brother, Jojo?!

She pointed at Jotaro who was holding his dolphin plushie in his hands. The cooking club managed to get to Y/n and Jotaro, Kurumi wasn't there because well, she's a cat.

Jotaro: Are these your friends?

Y/n: Yes, old man.

Yukari: Wait, is he your father, Y/n?!

Y/n: Mhm.

Jin: Hold on, aren't you that famous marine biologist?

Jotaro: Yes, I am.

Y/n: Alright, that's way too many questions for this old man.

Hitomi: So, Kujo-Sensei, what brings you here?

Y/n: What did I say about questions?!

Jotaro: I'm visiting

Hitomi: Oh-

Jotaro: And finding a suitable bride for my son.

Y/n: What!? I already have someone in mind.

Jotaro: Who is it?

Y/n walked over to that very person and pointed at Miyubi, Jotaro looked very disappointed. It took a while for everyone to process what Y/n did, in fact, they were quite surprised despite Y/n gave hints that he was love in with Miyubi.

Ranka: You love Miyubi?!

Jotaro: Yare yare daze...

Y/n: Don't you dare say anything about my Miyubi!

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