Counter Strike Obsession [ Kootra ]

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- Hello.~ I just have to do this. After seeing a comment on one of my works which just made me laugh and want to hug it and fav it all day, I had to make this. I'm sorry. It must be made. The obsession of Hordan must be reveled!

xD. Enjoy.


His obsession was getting out of hand. so many sets of thirties; so many sets of twelve. It seems everyone was getting what they wanted as the cat man sat behind his desk, going completely insane as he stares at his inventory full of Blue's, and Purples. Rarely did he get a pink; and double rarely did he ever get a Covert. He would sit up for what felt like hours spending thousands upon thousands of dollars on cases and keys, only to barely make his money back. And this upset him. Upset him terribly.

Today was his last day. He already did his Christmas special with no luck. He was hoping that the last day in December would bring him at least some kind of luck. He bought enough cases to rack up his cases to be at exactly one-hundred. More money down the drain if he doesn't get his moneys worth.

He begins like any other, praising to the gods of Gaben, hoping that he'll get something of worth, maybe something Covert that's not shit StatTrak'd or even better, a knife. Or better yet, a Factory New, StatTrak knife. Oh, how Jordan wanted the Huntsman or Butterfly knife. He wanted them so bad.

As the time goes on, he's gotten nothing but mostly blues and purples; maybe some pinks and very few reds slip by. However, the reds were a disappointments. They were Battle-Scarred, leaving the cat man to break down even more than he has for the entire month of December.

However, since he had some cases left, he rounded up the guys, forcing them all into his office as he plops down onto his chair, pointing to it, "You guys are gonna help me get that knife..! I just need it..! Please..! I rolled one on Dan's account that just broke me.. Please, Gaben.. If you can't give me luck, give these luck so I can get my meow'in knife..! Please!"

Jordan had cases that were Huntsman only. The rest he went through rather quickly, and nearly broke his computer because of it.

Jordan let each of the Creatures sit down at his desk, as he stood behind them, his arms crossed as his face contorts into disgust, hoping the other men in the group can get him better luck than himself.

Dan - Dan has gotten a knife on his channel, all thanks to Jordan himself. The poor man flipped out, nearly screaming his head off once he seen what it was then practically dying once it was all over. Dan moved his hand over the mouse, picking a random key to go with a random case, soon clicking 'Use key..' Both men, as well as the others watch as the ticker goes through each of the guns, slowly coming to a stop. What it landed on upset the Creatures leader as he shoves Dan out of the seat. A P90 | Module. Not what he wanted. Next.

Seamus - Seamus wasn't really as lucky when Jordan had him on the video, but maybe the Luck of the Irish may have some sort of turn of events. Maybe. Seamus does what Dan did, picking a random case and key, clicking 'Use key.' Once landed, Jordan sighs as he stares at the screen. P2000 | Pulse. Again, not what the cat man wanted.

All of the other men finally go after Seamus, getting shit as well. There was a final case left. Jordan looked at the final case as he plops down in the seat; he doesn't say a single thing thing as he pulls up the final case, pressing the use key button for the final time. He watches the ticker go by the guns he wanted and there he sees it. The beloved Huntsman knife go sailing by as he lands on a blue. He stares at the screen, the other men in the room are completely silent. Jordan gets up, and leaves the room, slamming the door behind him. The final thing the man said caught everyone off guard. What he said was no slip up, nor was it an accident. It was on purpose.



Hordan, you need CSGOAA. Really.~ That's all I'm sayin' with this. This had to be written. It had to. Heheeh.~

Anyway, if you enjoyed this and want anymore in the future like Hordan's obsession or him getting something of your choise, let me know and I'll try my best to write them.~ If you have anymore requests for anything, let me know as well. If you also liked this, give it a star~! And, if you want, you can follow me.~ I'll appreciate it with a passion.~

I love you~!

~ SinfulWordMaster.

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