Meeting Him

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You shrink to your knees when the growls intensify. The space reeks of anger and hostility as the two alphas rapidly release their pheromones into the air, warning their opponent and anyone nearby to back off. You partly blamed your recklessness for getting yourself into this situation, but how the hell were you supposed to know this would be the outcome? All you did was chase after Kageyama and Hinata when the two idiots sprinted all the way to Sendai during training!

Sure, following them as they snuck onto the grounds of Shiratorizawa Academy was irresponsible, but letting the two first years explore the prestigious academy alone would have resulted in disaster. It was supposed to be a simple retrieve and extract mission, except of course they had to run into Ushijima Wakatoshi himself, and then Hinata proceeded to pick a fight with the stellar ace. You'd intervened because you doubted Hinata could win against the giant Alpha, and that's when shit hit the fan and resulted in your current predicament.

You don't quite remember how you ended up behind the famous ace with him standing guard like some wild animal protecting their meal, but you do remember the shocked expressions on Hinata and Kageyama's face before they blurred when you were suddenly whisked away. You'd been standing in front of the pair with your back to the other school's ace; lecturing the two on their carelessness, when WHOOSH! You were behind Ushijima.

And now? Now Ushijima and Kageyama are growling at each other, seemingly ready to fight while you cower behind the Shiratorizawa ace, and Hinata (a fellow Omega) did the same behind Kageyama.

"Let her go, Ushijima!" Kageyama growls, his upper lip twitching upwards in want of bearing his sharp canines. "You can't be that conceited to think you can just take any Omega you please!"

You peek pass Ushijima's leg and stare at Kageyama in awe. The Alpha setter is usually so reserved and never spoke much to you at school or in practice, so it's surprising to see him stand up to another Alpha for you.

"I will take what is mine," Ushijima's growls back in that low, monotone voice of his that sends shivers along your skin. "And will not restrain myself to those who oppose my decision."

"That's not your decision alone to make!" Kageyama makes the first move and steps forward, causing the tension in the air to heighten. The hairs on your arm stand up and you get the overwhelming need to make a run for it.

"Ho, ho what do we have here~?"

You smell the Beta before he makes his appearance at the gym double doors. His beady red eyes scan the scene with rapt interest. "A challenger appears to take on our miracle boy? Oh?" he inhales deeply then his torso folds as bends so he can get a good look at you. "So you're the root of all of this fun, hmm?"

"Tendou!" Ushijima barks and the redheaded newcomer grins gleefully.

"Awhh, Wakatoshi! You don't happen to view me as a rival who wants to steal that cute little Omega from ya, do youuu~?"

Ushijima flinches in Tendou's direction, causing his fellow teammate to let out a startled 'eep' and then flee back into the gymnasium.

"Tch. Scaring off your own packmates," Kageyama fumes, his hands forming into fists at his sides. "What the hell is your problem?!"

"You should leave," Ushijima informs them, his tone cold. "Now."

Kageyama scuffs. "Not without our team manager we won't. Let her go first."

You look up at the Alpha standing over you and notice his back tense in frustration. You didn't know what caused this guy to become so defensive over you, but maybe you could use that to your advantage to help deescalate things.

Timidly you reach from your position on the ground and lightly touch the back of the Ushijima's leg. Immediately the muscle flexes and you feel all eyes turn down towards you.

"I-If this is a problem between us then shouldn't we be the ones talking out?" You fidget nervously on the ground then glance to your two schoolmates who are in awe. Their expressions give you courage so you turn your gaze onto the man standing before you. He has his head half turned, keeping one eye on the other Alpha and one on you. His stare burns into your own but you manage to hold it.

"A problem between us?" his deep voice repeats your words, his heavy brow furrowing. "There is no problem."

"Wha..." You grip the strands of grass between your fingers. If there wasn't a problem then what the hell was with this guy?! "Then...that means I can go?"


Was he serious?!

"But I have to go home-"

"Do you not smell it?" Ushijima interrupts.

Er, what?

You sigh and make a show of scenting the air then shrug. "All I smell is a bunch off pissed of Alpha's and the rank from the gym." Speaking of which, you turn and notice a few pairs of eyes peeking from the open doors.

Ushijima's quiet for a view moments then suddenly squats down to your level. Kageyama growls and tries to advance but Hinata stops him by grabbing onto his ankle. "Wait..." You hear the other Omega whisper to him.

The Alpha before you, despite resting on his knee, still towers over you and makes you feel so unfairly small. He leans closer and instinctively you flinch back.

"Don't move." He says sternly but from the pleading look in his olive eyes you are able to tell it's not meant as a command. It seems he wants you to trust him and make the choice yourself.

By not trying to escape his closeness, you guess he takes that as the assurance he needs that you won't try and flee again. But that doesn't mean you're still not scared of the man, so when he dips his head closer to yours, you close your eyes. You feel him hover over the spot between your shoulder and neck and hear the deep inhale he takes. He growls deep in his chest and you shiver when the tip of his nose skims your skin.

"Your turn." He rumbles.

Feeling like you're in a daze, you take a few seconds to calm down and your eyelids flutter open.

"My turn?"

He nods and you swallow nervously because Alpha's never allowed anyone accesses to his or her neck. It was their only weak spot. A spot only persevered to that Alpha's chosen Omega and OH MY GOD...!

Your eyes bulge as realization slams into you. You stare Ushijima now in a new light, searching his face for any clues but the man seems unfazed.

"You trust me?" You whisper and inhale sharply when he closes his eyes and tilts his head to the side for you.

Your eyes trace his broad shoulders then land on the pulse point that pulsates rapidly on his neck. His heart's racing too...

Slowly, as if afraid he'll change his mind and snap at your closeness to his vulnerable spot, you lean into the juncture of his neck and close your eyes. At first you only smell the hostility scent he gave off when challenging Kageyama, but below that is something more...something....

You gasp and your eyes fly open. You stare at him in bewilderment then close your eyes again and dive forward to inhale more of his scent, accidentally ramming your face into his neck. You feel him shiver and in your state of high you press closer and grab onto his shoulders as you inhale more of his intoxicating smell. A growl rumbles in his chest at your boldness before you feel his large arms wrap around your back and pull you flush against him.

You groan and nuzzle into his neck while he cages you against his body, hiding you away from any roaming eyes. You know what's happening. Growing up you were told how a lucky few would find their chosen mate by their smell alone.

Their soulmate.

And fate seemed to have paired you with Ushijima Wakatoshi.

Fated (Alpha!Ushijima x Omega)Where stories live. Discover now