Off to a not-so-great Start

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The star of the Miyagi prefecture.

Shiratorizawa's most talented and prized sports star.

Ranked third in the nation as one of the most powerful youth aces.

Your ridiculous cousin's sworn adversary.

Ushijima Wakatoshi.

He was still all those things, except now to you he was also your Alpha and fated mate.

Well, shit.

Not once did you imagine being paired with a man with such a reputation, let alone someone from your prefecture (small world, huh?), yet fate really was a fickle thing and apparently didn't believe in sympathy because if it had, then you wouldn't be finding your bond-mate at your age.

You'd been hoping to at least go to university and, ya know... Have a little fun? Explore with different partners before settling down with the one person who you'd mate with for the rest of your life with. As weird as that sounded it was the truth.

And this? This now? Ushijima cradling you against him like you're the most precious thing in the world to him? It was a lot. And you weren't sure if you were ready to succumb to him like an Omega usually would in your situation.

The Ace's arms tighten around your middle and you feel incredibly warm on the inside and out. You're pretty sure you're sweating, and after sprinting after Kageyama and Hinata you already know your hair is a hot mess. The baggy gym clothes you have on sure don't help your self-esteem either.

"Hey," you slowly push yourself away from his broad chest with your hands on his wide-set shoulders. This man was a whole unit for goodness sake. Has anyone thought to dig through his personal files and make sure he really was a teen and not some grown man trying to relive his high school years?

Pushing away was a mistake, you realize, when Ushijima's head looms over you and you're forced to look into his piercing, olive-colored irises.

"I, um..." ah, hell what were you going to complain about again? Staring at his sharp jawline was making it hard to think straight. "This Like, I don't know where to begin with all of this."

He just stares at you and you shift awkwardly in his embrace because the giant Alpha still won't release his hold on you. You feel his biceps flex against your back when you try moving away.

Right. Step #1 was to get him to release you because his proximity was messing with your head. For two people who just met, they were being too intimate too fast.

"Can you help me up?" you ask, setting a hand on his forearm giving it a gentle squeeze. You would've doubted he felt the touch under all that muscle of his but the goosebumps forming under your palm insisted otherwise.

He nods and carefully he moves his hands to grip your waist and lifts you to your feet like you weigh nothing. It's good and all except his hands remain there even after you're both standing.

"Thank you," You grab his hands and curl your small fingers under his larger ones and slowly start to pry them off. "And you can let go now. I don't know what we're supposed to do in this kind of situation since it's so rare, but I'm not comfortable with all the touching just yet."

"I make you uncomfortable?" he states, and your knees just about buckle again. How can someone have such a deep, seductive voice?

His eyes narrow and your Omega instincts make you look away from his sharp gaze.

"Not you personally," you clarify, still gripping his fingers that haven't left your hips. "I'm just not used to strangers, Alpha's especially, grabbing me at random. I don't know you and I doubt you know me, so this is all kinda bizarre, you know?

You risk a peek at his expression and he seems pensive.

Sighing, you voice aloud what you presume he's contemplating; "I'm not going to make a run for it if that helps." Your eyes flick down.  "With those long legs, I'm at a huge disadvantage."

Ushijima grunts and you grin triumphantly when he lets go. You take a step back and immediately he moves forward.

"I'm just creating space, big guy." You hold your hands up to stop him. "I need to breathe without your already overwhelming scent burning my nostrils."

It wasn't meant as an insult and he didn't seem to take that way either. Breathing his scent in after he was sweaty from practice and giving off dominating Alpha pheromones when challenging Kageyama was like trying to inhale fresh air while stuck in the middle of a wildfire. It was damn near impossible and you had a feeling your gym clothes were going to reek of his pheromones long after you leave.

You turn your head to the side so you're not directly facing him and try to breathe in air that wasn't tainted with his heady aroma.

"I understand now why you acted the way you did with Kageyama and Hinata. You acted on instinct and I'm sure you're just as shocked about all of this as I am. Fated mates." You huff a laugh because it was just as ridiculous saying it aloud. "What are your thoughts on all of this?"

You flinch in surprise when Ushijima gently catches your chin between his thumb and forefinger and turns you to face him. You know you said you didn't want him touching you, but at that moment you couldn't remember why.

"Are you declared to another?"

Well, that sounded old-fashioned.

"I-I'm not seeing anyone," you mutter, your Omega nature absolutely preening on the inside at the delicate attention he's giving you. "A-Are you?"


"Good. That's good. Um," you gulp and resist the urge to grab the forearm before you and hug it to your chest. "Guess you don't have to go breaking anyone's heart then. Ha."

You hated yourself.

The corner of his lip twitches.

On second thought, maybe your sense of humor wasn't all that terrible.

"What's your name?" he asks, and when you say it, his lips finally form into a real smile. And damn those lips look so soft and warm. Staring at his moving lips you realize he's still talking while you were lost in your daydream.  "You may refer to me as Wakatoshi. If you are comfortable with informalities, that is."

"Hm? Oh yeah, that's fine." You try to act like you hadn't just missed half of what he'd been saying. Then you joke, "As long you don't expect me to call you Alpha or mate."

Ushijima doesn't seem to find the same humor in your words and frowns.

Your head tilts to the side. "Wait. You don't expect me to actually call you that already, right? Cause that would be too soon. We may a fated pair but that doesn't mean we're officially mates. We literally just met."

He lets go of your chin and narrows his eyes. "I see no point in avoiding the inevitable. You are my Omega and I am your Alpha. You will submit when the time comes and accept my mark as I accept yours."

"Hold up." You take another step back and glare at the imposing Ace. "We're not even dating yet and now suddenly we're mates? You don't even know me. Remember what I said about not wanting to move too fast? This right here is too fast."

His shoulders rise as he makes himself appear larger and more authoritative. You seize up under the Alpha's dominating display and clench your jaw. Somewhere nearby another Alpha growls warningly but Ushijima ignores it.

"I won't allow you to be pursued by anyone else. You're mine now." He looks like he wants to reach out and grab you again but your glare seems to make him reconsider.

"Keep saying egotistical, rude as hell stuff like that, and I'll make damn sure that never happens."

You two have a glaring contest that lasts for several seconds until the sudden appearance of someone interrupts your showdown.

"Trouble in paradise so soon for the new couple~?"

You make eye contact with the redheaded Beta for all but a second before you're once again forced behind Ushijima.

Anddd here we go again...

Fated (Alpha!Ushijima x Omega)Where stories live. Discover now