fck them kids

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"But, Wakatoshi~"

"That is my final decision, Tendou. Take the team back into the gym and continue with your stretching exercises."

"And will our newly mated captain be leading the team in our stretches?

"We're not mated yet, cherry top!" you complain, blushing.

The redhead laughs and wiggles his lanky finger at you. "Does that mean you plan on mating with our miracle boy, Omega-chan~?"

You bite your tongue, eyes going wide at the realization that you replied with a 'yet' in your claim about not being mated to Ushijima Wakatoshi. Why do you feel like you walked right into that smug redhead's trap?

"Don't call me that," you ignore his previous comment and cross your arms. "And listen to your Alpha already and go do your stretches."

"Don't you mean our Alpha?"

"He's not my Alpha yet!" you snap at him, heart sinking when his shit-eating grin grows. "You know what I mean!"

"Ohoo, I think I do," the Beta snickers to himself and you're about to reach for him but Ushijima shoots his arm out and stops you. He still seems focused on keeping you safely tucked behind him and not allowing anyone too close. You just met and already he's acting so annoyingly protective. Reminds you of a certain cousin of yours.

And speaking of said cousin... You pat your gym shorts to confirm that you indeed left your phone in your bag back at Karasuno. He'd always text you before finishing up with his practice to make you were all right and what time to expect you back at the house.

While Ushijima is busy talking with the Beta player from his team, you turn to where you last saw Kageyama and Hinata and spot them speaking to a school faculty member. Both boys look pale in the face. Honestly those two...

Sighing, you start walking towards the boys until a hand catches your wrist. Sparks shoot up your arm at the skin contact and you shudder. Your eyes trail from his large hand up to his thick arm and to his handsome face. His expression is unreadable.

"Don't leave," he says, and his grasp slightly tightens.

You place your other hand atop his but don't try and pry it off just yet. "It's getting late, and we shouldn't even be here, to begin with. I need to get the boys back before our captain sends out a search and rescue team for us." It's hard not to smile at the mental image of Sugawara and Daichi panicking over their missing younger pack mates.

"How do you plan on getting back?"

"Um, well, we jog I guess? That's how we got here. Or should I say, how I got here." You gesture a thumb over your shoulder. "Those two knuckleheads sprinted the whole way while caught up in their ridiculous rivalry."

Ushijima's humorless gaze flicks to them briefly. "The first years will jog as their punishment for abandoning practice and forcing you after them. I'll call a cab to take you back."

Your eyes widen. "I appreciate the offer, but I'll have to decline. The road back is mostly downhill, so it'll be easy."

"It's not your physical capabilities that I distrust." Then it's his turn to gesture towards the first-year pair. "I do not know your colleagues as you do, therefore I cannot trust them to see you returned home safely and promptly."

"Colleagues...?" you mutter to yourself.

"I will need to go speak with my coach and explain our situation."

You nod. "Let me guess, you want me to go with?"

"No. It wouldn't be wise to bring you inside the gym where my team and a guest team are practicing. You may use this time to update the two first years on what's to happen next."

You're shocked. One moment he won't allow anyone near you and now he's just going to walk away and let you do as you please? Either he was considering what you told him, or this was some sort of trap...

"Hmm, and how do you know I won't take this opportunity to run?"

He smirks. "As you said, with my long legs, you're at a huge disadvantage." And then he walks back towards the open gym with his teammate and you're left to stare at his beautiful shoulder to waist ratio in a blushing mess.

The Beta, Tendou, waggles his eyebrows as he catches you staring at the Ace.

The Omega in you wants to rise to the challenge and make a game out of it. To run and have this athletically fit Alpha chase you through the darkening streets. To have him hunt you like prey and then capture you as his prize. To submit to him and –

NOPE! End of daydream!

You shake your head and slap your cheeks. How could you think such a thing?! You didn't want to be a submissive Omega! Even though bending to his will would mean he'd bend you over and...

You cover your face with your hands. What was wrong with you all of a sudden?!

"Jeez, how lame. You're already falling for him, aren't you? Your cousin is going to be pissed."

Your head snaps up. "Kageyama?!" You flinch back in surprise. "How long have you been standing there?"

He raises an eyebrow and grunts. "Were you seriously fantasizing that hard about that jerk that you didn't even notice us walk up to you?"


"Don't do it, manager-senpai!" Hinata springs up behind you. "Ushiwaka is a huge jerk who doesn't deserve you! We'll find you someone better!"

You have to grab Hinata's shoulder to stop him bouncing up and down in his hyped up frenzy. "Calm down there, sunshine. I'm not giving myself away to anyone just yet. And I already let Ushijima know as much too. If he wants to be with me then he's gonna have to work for it."

Hinata's eyes sparkle. "Wow, our manager is so cool!"

Kageyama scuffs. "Can we go now?"

You glance back at the gym doors. "You two didn't happen to overhear what Ushijima and I were discussing?"

Kageyama remains quiet while Hinata shakes his head.

"Heh, well..."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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