Chapter 10 : Engaging

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"Stick to our plan, kick their ass, and keep your life." - You said, while going to the hangar, and leaving Welt, Theresa, Himeko, Einstein, Tesla, Bronya and Mei on the bridge.

"Roger that."

"Enemy battleships is readying their guns." - An A.I. Voice appears.

"All pilot in position, Ai-chan, active all the Anti-air guns. The big ones." - Theresa said.

"Yes ma'am~"

"Um.... Theresa... Is that..." - Tesla looks to enemy battleships, sees there's alot of small things come out from them.

"Enemy's fighting jets, alot of them." - Himeko said.

"How much do we have?"

"10, and 50 more on Entropy." - Welt said.

"And how many does our enemy have?"

"I don't know... But they're about 100."

"All jets in position." - Ai-chan said.

"We only have unmanned aircrafts..."

"Don't worry, just take all of them down." - Sirin said, then flying to the deck.

"... What is she up to..." - Welt goes after her.

"Captain, everything is ready, how's yours?" - Theresa ask.

"Just done, we can begin now." - You said, and just get on a jet, with Fu Hua, Durandal and Rita.

"Affirmative. All jets, deploying." - A.I. Voice appears, from Hyperion, and other battleships, alot of jets coming out.

"Let's kick their ass." - Theresa said, while watching the enemy's jets approaching, and so are on her side.

They starts to firing at each other, many jets was taken down easily in the beginning, but the ones are not down yet is keep fighting.

Believe me, it's like Star Wars. They flying around, chasing each other and fire each other.

While you just drive the special jet, going in stealth mode, even radar can't detect it.

Going to the HQ and kick Otto's ass. While the Hyperion crew will work with Anti-Entropy to distract their main force.

This is the only shot you got, whichever lose, the whole team will lose.

But you are worrying for literally everyone on Hyperion, what if they couldn't last for the attack?

But all you can do is believe in them, they'll survive, and complete their objective.

And so as you, you shouldn't have to worry, and keep continue on the plan.

2 hours later, you haven't contact with Hyperion yet, but you've got yourself with the other two in Schicksal HQ.

"As the plan, we get in, break the Key, and get out. As fast as we can." - You said, then stops time for a while, then looking around the area you're currently on, there is no one else.

Time resume.

"Okay?" - Fu Hua ask.

"Yes, but be careful, let's go girls."

You and them starts to go around, find a way inside the HQ without causing any trouble.

And eventually, you got yourself with the others near Otto's office.

"This way." - Durandal said, as leading you with Fu Hua inside the office.

The office was clear, there is no sign of enemy, or traps, all the camera in this area has been disable.

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