chapter 20

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hello everyone :) before i start this chapter, i just want to address the situation with everything going on right now in america with the protests because i feel it's necessary. please use your voice if you are able to for those who can't. if you're white, recognize the privilege that you have to help others in your community as well as outside of it. if you aren't exactly sure what to do or where to start, there are plenty of petitions out there currently that need more signatures. also try informing others about the situation and educating them. staying silent makes the situation worse and you not caring about the situation or recognizing what's happening makes the problem bigger. as a white person, we all need to come together and do what is right. for all of the members of the black community, i am here for you always. you are very much loved and you are very much valid. i will continue to fight this fight with you until you get the justice that you deserve. stay safe out there. we love you.

if anybody needs to talk, my dms are always open and if anyone needs any links for petitions or wants info on what to do to help out the situation, please please please let me know and i would gladly help you out.

thanks 🤍


(pic above for reference for what the boys currently look like)

harry's fourteen now and he's started to discover a lot about himself over the past two years.

while growing up, he noticed that he's never had crushes on girls like his friends and other boys around him. he never saw it as a problem, he just found it interesting that he was usually the only one in his friend group that didn't have a crush on any girls.

he realized he liked boys a little after his thirteenth birthday. he isn't sure what exactly made him realize it, but he thinks it was when he kept having reoccurring dreams of some performer in a band he likes and having to deal with that by taking cold showers after waking up from them.

someone else who made him realize this is louis. he feels bad for having an attraction toward his best friend but he can't help it. he doesn't want to tell louis because he doesn't want that to hurt their relationship and then make louis end up hating him. and also because he's not ready to tell anyone that he likes boys, but he feels like he's making it obvious.

he can't count the number of times louis has caught harry staring at him. whether if it's at school, one of their houses, or literally anywhere they're at, harry can't help but watch louis. he never realized how handsome louis truly is until recently.

louis is sixteen now, so he's becoming more grown up and way more mature than he was a year ago. he's got a deeper voice, he's got more prominent cheekbones (which harry really likes), and had just matured in many ways. he's still mostly exploring who he likes and doesn't like, but currently doesn't really have a preference.

harry was sitting at his desk in his room doing some sort of abstract art piece when he heard a knock at the door.

"come in." harry said, still paying attention to his art.

gemma walked up to his desk and set their home phone right next to harry. "it's for you."

harry stopped what he was doing to thank her and pick up the phone to see who was on the other line. "hello?"

gemma walked out of his room and shut the door behind her.

"hey." harry could immediately tell it was louis. "what's up?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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