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As I wake up, I feel my head pounding and throbbing.I slightly rub it, in attempt to cure my pounding headache. I look down and notice three IV's in my arms.

I look to the left then right, again and again, not believing what I'm seeing. I look from left to right until I finally comprehend it.

This can't be happening. I'm only 16, this shouldn't be happening.

I tear the IV's out of my arm and run to the side of her bed and notice something this wrong.

She pulls me to the side and whispered quietly under her breath 'they're dead.' As she rolls them out of the room.

I sat in the middle of the how empty hospital room. Thinking about what is going to happen.

I let tears rolls down my bright pink cheeks and whisper under my breath 'what the hell am I going to do now?
My parents are...... dead.'

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