When we first met

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Kaori's POV:
It was my first time watching Kousei play. It was as if the world lit up around me when he hit the first piano key. The entire time he played I was on the edge of my seat. It was if it was taken right from a movie. When he hit the last key I burst into tears. It was a bit embarrassing but I couldn't help it.

Kousei's POV:
I stepped onto the stage, my hands were trembling, but I didn't care.. as long as mom got better. I had to win. I just had to. Mom said it would make her well again. I sat on the seat and I played just as mom taught me. I played just how it was meant to be played. When I was about to take a bow.. I heard a little girl crying. Everyone cheered for me. I ended up winning. I didn't care because I always win. I went straight to my mom. She seemed happy.. But little did I know.. she wouldn't be able to watch me play for very much longer.

It was spring time.. the cherry blossom petals were falling to the ground as I watched from the piano room. I was listening to a new pop song. I wrote down the notes and I decided to recheck everything on the piano. All of a sudden Tsubaki rushed in and lectured me about being so isolated all the time.

Tsubaki: "Never mind that! This girl really wants to meet Ryota and I wanted you to come along!"

Kousei: "Is just be a third wheel the whole time.."

Tsubaki: "Then we can be wheels together! Plus if the conversation starts to lack I heard she's a violinist so you two could talk about music stuff and give Ryota some time to reset his mind."

Kousei: "Fine.."

I walked to the place we all were supposed to meet.. of course.. I'm the first one here as always..

What's this? Shoes..? And.. LEGGINGS?! Who leaves this stuff in a tree..?

I heard faint music playing so I decided to follow it.. I looked up and I saw a girl with blonde hair.. she was on top of a play structure playing a melodica.. when I saw her my eyes lit up and the world around me became a little more colorful..

When Tsubaki and Ryota finally arrived the girl with blonde hair was yelling at me.. yet for some reason she got up and smiled like nothing had happened.. She went up to Ryota and practically threw herself at him.. I sat their in awe.. trying to comprehend what had happened.

Tsubaki: "Kaori meet friend 'A'!"

That right.. I'm just friend 'A'.

Kaori: "I am so sorry! I didn't know you were a friend of Tsubaki! I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me!"

Kousei: "Nice to meet you.."

Kaori: "Oh well I better get going!" She spun around to face a tall building called Towa Hall

My eyes fixated on Towa Hall. I knew I shouldn't have came.. This was all apart of Tsubaki's plan. The memories of my mom flashed before my eyes.

Kousei: "Sorry.. I cant go.. I'll see you guys later alright?"

As soon as I went to turn around I felt something grab my hand. I look up and saw Kaori.

Kaori: "Please friend 'A' ! It would mean so much!"

I softly nodded as she led me into the building. Our hands wrapped around each other's. It was as if I was in a cheesy romance movie..

The violinist pranced off into the crowd once we wished her good luck. When we were about to go into the sitting area I heard the voices.. all of them.. it was so over bearing I just wanted to sit in a corner. I wanted to leave. Of course Tsubaki noticed and she ushered me to hurry up.

Our love story.. (Kousei x Kaori)Where stories live. Discover now