Chapter Eleven

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Sanem was uncomfortable with so much flattery being thrown around, even Polen was singing her praises. Telling Yigit how talented she thought Sanem was. Can finally stood, announcing they had a lot of work to do, he thanked Polen for sending the new clients their way. She also stood, reaching for his hand and then moved for a hug. Always with a look towards Sanem, measuring the effect, she kissed him on the cheek. She nodded a goodbye at Sanem, with a smug smile. Yigit shook Can's hand, then reached for Sanem's hand. He took her hand in his, bowed towards her, as if she were royalty, and kissed her hand with a lingering look. Can felt his anger rise, he didn't like this game they were playing. 

With that,  they made there way to the elevator. Polen had the look of confidence, as if she had just won the lottery. Sanem thought, " Why does she look like that, so sure of herself. If she thinks she's getting Can back, she sadly mistaken." I'm not going to roll and play dead."  The look from Polen's eyes, sent a wave of fear through Sanem. Her skin was covered with goosebumps, like the ones you get from watching a horror movie. " This woman is not going to give up, but then, neither am I." Sanem thought.  Yigit, again saw the look of intimidation come from Sanem, as the elevator doors closed. He knew his sister, determination was always her strong point, he had a slight twinge of guilt at the thought. 

Can shook his head in disbelief.  He turned to Sanem, " They are quite the pair, don't you think." Yigit is a charmer, " Kinda creepy though." He smirked. He looked at Sanem, waiting for an agreement, but she was staring blankly at the elevator. " Sanem, bebek, are you ok?" He asked. Sanem blinked her eyes, realizing he was speaking to her, she looked at Can with confusion. Did Can not see the need to fear her, was he blind to it, or was she just paranoid. Quickly she smiled at him, " I'm fine my love, yes they are, quite the pair." She said. They headed back to his office. She needed to tell him about the call from Ahmet, but she was second guessing to whole process now. Can had shaken the entire encounter off and was diving back into his work. The photo shoot was set and the cosmetic company had been informed of the changes in the model choice. Things were good...or were they..

As Polen and Yigit got in his car, he knew his sister was full of ideas, and was bursting to tell him. At times he was a little scared of her, her mind thought was a bit vindictive at times. She was very good at, getting even, as they say. She smiled at Yigit, " Well, what did you think of Sanem?" She asked.  " Quite beautiful and very talented, don't you think."  He stared at her saying, " And very much taken, from what I could see." What's your point."  Polen smiled, " That's a minor detail, as far as I can see, there's no ring on her finger."  So maybe there's nothing serious."  He let that sink in for a minute, maybe she was right. It could be a win win situation for them both, she got Can back and he could have the top named Turkish author in his publishing house. Hmmm, it was worth thinking about.

Sanem was totally distracted and nervous, pacing back and forth. Can looked up at her with concern. "  Sanem, would you stop worrying about them, they're gone. Come, sit down."  He turned his chair and motioned for her to set on his lap. She quickly looked around, to see if anyone was watching, then curled up in his lap, letting him soothe her. His touch had such an effect on her, it calmed her like nothing else.  " So safe, " she thought, " How will I feel like this if I in another country, away from him and his comfort" I don't know if I can do this."  He stroked her hair, feeling her relax, he knew she worried to much about Polen. But he would feel the same if the tables were turned. It angered him just to see Yigit kiss her hand that way. He wouldn't let anything or anyone come between them. 

Can closed his eyes, with Sanem snuggled in his lap, he let his mind wander. He thought about the beautiful ring he had just bought, and how happy she would be when she saw it. His life was the best it had ever been, right now, even with all the trouble with the agency and the arrival of Polen, he was happy. His heart was full, actually, it was running over with love. His life was just beginning, everything before this was just pretend, a nonexistent reason to live. Now to make there lives as one, sealed together with a bond to last forever. He would get away and talk to Nihat,  but it had to be soon. Sanem broke the silence saying, " Ahmet needs me in Greece a week earlier than expected." I've been invited to a writers forum."  Can's eyes opened; What? How would It be impossible to get everything done in two weeks. He could feel the panic begin to build. If it wasn't enough to have an unexpected guest like Polen, now he had to deal with letting her go earlier than the he thought. He tightened the hold he had on her and breathed in that smell that always surrounded her...

She lifted her head from his shoulder, looking in his eyes. They read as sad and longing, the need to keep her with him surrounded her. He knew it would be hard to let her go, but to love her is to let her be the best she can be. They would make it work, they had too. He asked,  " When did you find out, " He questioned. " That was the phone call I just received, " They want me in Athens in two weeks, the forum is for 3 days, and then on to Thessaloniki for the release and book signing." Do you think you can make at least the book signing ? " She pleaded. He kissed her cheek and said, " Let them just try and keep me away, " Yes, I wouldn't miss it for the world."    She gently kissed his lips, it refreshed her and made her strong. She knew he was her's, but the loneliness of not being in his arms was something that would be hard to handle.  With Polen here she would need to pull all the trust she had to the front of her mind, and let her soul be in control of her heart. She had allowed Polen to plant a seed of distrust in her mind before, but not this time. She was stronger and more sure of their love....

" This was her time and Can would be there for her, no matter what "..........

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