You couldn't be more different than me

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Michael's POV

After we pick up Jaxson from daycare, she drives me back to my place. I get out of the car and so does she.

"I told you-"

"I know, I'm just showing you how the car seat works." I says as she climbs in the back and sits next to him so I decide to do the same thing. She begins to explain how it works and soon enough, I figure it out. I pick him up and carefully get out of the car.

She then walks to the trunk and I walk with her. She grabs a bag and hands it to me. "Some of his favorite toys are in here so you can keep him entertained for a while with those."

"Does he have any allergies?" I ask.

"Nope, he's all good to eat anything. Although he does have a tendency to be extremely picky sometimes."

"Good to know." She shuts her trunk and walks over to me.

"Daddy is gonna take you for a few hours so can you give me hug?" He nods his head and he leans in and gives her a hug, causing my heart to melt. I haven't even spent five minutes with him and I'm already wishing time could slow down.

They let go of each other and she kisses him on the cheek. "I love you bub. I'll see you soon."

"Bye mommy." He says as she walks away. She gets in her car and drives away. I turn back to the house and begin to think. How the hell are the guys going to react when they see me walk in with a child? How are they going to feel about it? Are they gonna think I stole him?

I shake the thoughts out of my head and make my way up to the front door. I open it and hear a huge sigh of relief and footsteps coming closer and closer.

"Where the hell did y- why do you have a small child in your arms?" Luke asks as he finally sees Jaxson and I. Calum then walks over.

"Is that Mike? Where di- you stole a child!?" Calum exclaims. Ashton finally comes too after he hears what Ashton said.

"You stole a kid?" He asks, utterly confused.

"No guys, I didn't steel him, he's my son."

"Your son?" They all say in unison. I nod my head and look at Jaxson who's smiling wide.

"Can you tell them your name?" I ask him.

"I'm Jaxson. I'm this many." He says as he holds him his five fingers. I lightly laugh and I look back at the guys and see Luke and Calum with huge smiles on their faces while Ashton's is a mixture of confusion and what looks to be rage.

I put Jaxson down on his feet and Luke and Cal immediately start messing with him. I hand them the bay of toys and then sit down with Ashton at the dining table.

"How long have you known?" He asks.

"I just found out about him. Carly came by and-"

"Wait, that's Carly's kid?"

"And mine too. You can clearly see both of his in him. His eyes are the perfect mix of her brown ones and my green ones."

"How did you not know?"

"Because she never told me about him until now. Before today, I thought I was single with no kids, but now I'm still single, but I have a kid now."

"Are you and her going to try and fix-"

"Right now, no. Jaxson is the only reason I can stand to look at her right now so I can't even imagine trying to fix our relationship."

"I'd be pissed too. He's a really cute kid though."

"Yeah, I just wish she didn't hide him from me. I feel like she's not telling me the real reason as to why she did it, but I guess that's something to find out later on."

"I'm going to let you spend some time with him since he's your son." Ashton says as he stands up. I stand up as well and walk into the living room to see Luke and Calum on the floor playing with him. I smile at the sight and sit down too.

When Jaxson notices me, he jumps on top of me. I laugh and so does he. He looks so happy and it makes me sad that I only get a few hours with him. I would let him stay over, but I have absolutely nothing for a kid.

I don't have a bed, toys, or clothes for him, so it's best he goes back with Carly so I can get a room ready for him. In the meantime, I'm going to spend as much time with his as I possibly can before Carly picks him up.

Stuck With You :||: Sequel to StingWhere stories live. Discover now