Her Pt 4 - Chocobros + Reader

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Three years ago:

"I never should have slept with you..."

"It was a mistake..."

"You were a mistake..."

With each word past his lips, (Y/n) could feel her heart cracking, the shards cutting like broken glass and shattered hopes.

The girl sat on her bead, holding the sheets tightly to her chest as she watched the blond.

Prompto was frantically gathering his clothes from her floor, sparing nary a glance at his classmate. As he was pulling on his pants, he heard the bedframe creak as (Y/n) stood.

"Prom...?" Gods, did he hate that name falling from her tongue. Biting his own, he could feel the heartache dripping from the girl's voice as she approached him. He felt the vibrations through the floorboards as (Y/n) came to a stop behind him. Steeling his heart, he finally turned to look her in the eyes, a mask placed firmly on his features. But it nearly fell when he saw the tears spilling from her eyes.

"What? It's true, and you know it," he grinned maliciously. "We were drunk. One mistake leading to another."

With that, the blond turned to leave, bending down to grab his shirt. But he was stopped by the girl.

"Prom, wait--"

"Don't call me that. We aren't friends; just classmates working on a project."

That's all it should ever have been.


It really was a mistake, having sex with Prompto.

But not in the same way he saw it. For her, it had been the best night of her life -- or it would have been had the feelings been mutual.

The evening before, Prompto and (Y/n) were intending on working on their project for class, but instead were being dragged out by one of the girl's friends. Why Prompto had decided to tag along anyway, she didn't know, and she seriously doubted she'd get a straight answer out of him.

(Y/n)'s friend had made the girl change clothes -- a skirt that barely covered her ass and a provocative open-backed shirt, paired with four inch heels. After doing makeup and hair, she exited her bathroom to find her friend fawning over her classmate. He had taken off his uniform's blazer and tie, rolling up his shirt sleeves up to his elbows.

"You're a gem, Prommy! (Y/n), where did you find him?!" her friend gasped. Prompto let out a nervous laugh before his eyes landed on (Y/n). Watching as the boy's eyes grew wide and his face became flushed had a giddy feeling overcome her. She flashed him a shy smile, which quickly turned apologetic as her friend pulled the two out of (Y/n)'s house.

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