Chapter 6 "Missing"

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I woke up and let out a groan as I stretched. I heard running and smiled as I heard Ikki and Meelo. After changing, I went to find the others. I walked outside and smiled as I saw Tenzin sipping and drinking tea.

"Ahh, I haven't felt this at peace since-" Tenzin said before he was cut off by Bumi coming out and letting out a howl.

"Aaand, it's over." Tenzin said with a frown.

"Gooood morning, Universe!" Bumi yelled as he climbed onto the rock.

"Bumi, please, cover yourself." Kya said as she covered her eyes.

"Well, lookee here, "Vacation Tenzin" has finally decided to join us." Bumi said with a laugh.

"Yes, he has. It's so nice to get to spend more time with my family. Isn't that right, my little Rohan? And I've really enjoyed having you two around. Reminds me of all those great vacations we took as kids with Dad." Tenzin said as he held Rohan.

"Uhh, I think your memory's a little foggy. Bumi and I weren't on those great vacations. It was always just you and Dad." Kya said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"No, that can't be right. What about the time he took us to Kyoshi Island to ride the elephant koi?"

"Nope, we weren't there."

"Hmm. Oh, remember Ember Island? Those amazing sand palaces we built on the beach."

"You mean, you built? We never saw the place." Bumi said as he climbed down.

"I could've sworn-"

Jinora and Meelo both came speeding in and landed near Bumi.

"Morning, kids!" Bumi said happily.

"Morning, Uncle Bumi! Do you have a baby in there?" Meelo asked making us all laugh.

"Where's your sister?" Pema asked with a frown.


"Ikki. About this tall. Talks real fast. I'm sure you know her." Pema said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Jinora looked away and I let out a sigh.

"There was a lemur fight, but the bison told us not to worry because a giant was coming. Then we almost got eaten by a shark-squid!" Meelo exclaimed.

"The shark-squid? He's here? It appears my old nemesis has found me." Bumi said as he looked around in fear.

"Jinora, were you and Meelo teasing your sister again?"

"I don't know.... Maybe... Yes." Jinora said as she looked at the ground.

"She ran away." Meelo exclaimed.

"Honestly, I don't know why you kids can't just get along!" Pema yelled as her face got red.

"It's all right, dear, Ikki couldn't have gone far. I'll find her." Tenzin said as he handed Rohan to her.

"Commander Bumi reporting for duty! Search-and-rescue missions are my specialty." Bumi said as he saluted them.

"What do you say we all go together?" Kya asked as she sent him a gentle smile.

"Sure, I could use the help." Tenzin said softly.

"When I get back, we'll come out with a plan to take down that shark-squid once and for all!" Bumi said as he sent Meelo a wink.

"Yeah!" Meelo yelled happily.

I let out a sigh and turned and walked away from everyone.

"When they learn the truth they will hate you." A voice said.

I turned my head and froze as I saw Amon.

"They won't." I whispered.

"Of course they will. You aren't their family. You are just some girl. I bet when they learn they will turn their backs on you... just like your so called father." He said as he walked towards me.

"You're wrong... they love me. They.."

"Didn't Koda supposably love you? Didn't Tonraq see you as a daughter? Now look they banished you... they abandoned you and the only one to speak up for you was the woman you treated like dirt." He said as he pinned me to the wall.

I tried to push him off but couldn't.

"I told you that you meant nothing to them. I told you that when they learned about your bending they would abandon you... and look... they did. And soon... Korra, Bolin... Mako... and even Bumi will abandon you. And you will be alone."

"SHUT UP!" I yelled as wind wrapped around me.

I shut my eyes and opened them to see I was alone. I let out a sigh and leaned against the wall.

"They won't leave me... they can't." I whispered.

Soon it was nightfall and I saw Bumi and Kya walking up the path.

"Hey, did you find her?" I asked as they walked up to me.

"Tenzin is still looking for her." Bumi said as Kya walked away.

"Let's get inside." I said as he put an arm around me.

The next morning I saw Bumi in the statue room. I walked up to him and saw him looking at Aang's statue.

"Uh ... Hey there, Dad. You're looking well. Look, uh, I'm sorry I didn't turn out to be an airbender like you hoped. But I've tried my best to keep the world safe. Hope I made you proud." Bumi said softly.

I walked behind him and gently hugged him.

"Trust me, you did Bumi." I whispered as I hugged him.

"Thank you, Akari. You always know when I need a hug." He said as he turned and hugged me back.

I held him tightly and felt tears start to stream down my face. We pulled apart and he had a frown on his face as he gently touched my face.

"Why are you crying?" He asked softly.

"I... I can't... I.."

I felt the tears fall faster and I whipped them away. He looked at me sadly and I looked up at him.

"I've been banished from the Southern and Northern Water Tribes." I said as I let out a sob and hugged him again.

He froze up for a second before tightly pulling me closer and kissing my head. I let out a sob and he hugged me tighter.

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