Kids Chapter 7

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"Um, I didn't interrupt did I? Well sorry about that," You both looked up to see the bed-headed boy in the doorway closing the door behind him, "I was in the bathroom throwing up, avoiding the inevitable up until now, so..." Now that Kuroo was here it was immediate mother defense mode, you grabbed Kenma with your arms and prevented him from refusing, "Oh that's where you were... but um no we weren't doing anything..." He looked down.

"I see the cuts are healing nicely..." You loosen your grip, "Huh? O-oh y-yeah." He pulled his attention to Kenma, "So this is the Kenma I've heard so much about! And why are you holding him like that, so annoying," He tried to touch Kenma but you hissed at him, "What the hell? You're so freaking weird, *sigh* whatever, can I play this game with you guys?" You nodded as he took a controller, "Say hi Kenma, this is Kuroo Tetsurou, and yeah you know him KuRoO no need to introduce him to the likes of you..." He looked back with a face of disgust, "Okay? Um hello, I'm Kuroo I saw you at Volleyball club so... I hope we can be friends...." Kenma nodded shyly, "Mhm..." Kuroo went back to playing the game and you felt like throwing up. You laid down on your bed with your face facing the wall.

Suddenly you felt Kenma run his fingers through your hair, "Hey... Um don't be like that... C'mon go talk to him, he probably wants to apologize on his friends behalf, right?" You looked back at him smiling, "Hehe, maybe." he smiled down at you and said, "I'm going to take a shower, I'll be right back..." You looked at him with shock, "What!?! You said we would do this together! Coward! I'm gonna tell everyone about your little boxers!!" He looked back at you with a glare of embarrassment, "Ugh!" He rushed out the door leaving you with the somewhat blushing and flustered Kuroo, "Boxers?!" You heard him whisper to himself, "Yeah, but it's not what you think...*sigh*, so about today I hope you can get used to seeing them do that to me every once in awhile or so. If they ask you to hit me you do it when you feel comfortable, if you don't then don't. That's all I wanted to say. Oh! And the boxers thing was an inside joke!" You said blushing a little.

"Oh um, y-yeah okay. Let's not let it ruin our relationship at home..." You pulled your attention towards him, "Of course! That's what we agreed on is it not?!" You said with a large smile on your face. 

After 10 minutes or so Kenma came back out of the shower creeping through the door, "There's no flying objects that's good, Y/N, don't hit me please I just took a shower..." You looked at him with a glare but couldn't stay mad at him because of how good he looked right after coming out of the shower.

"Ugh, whatever I'm not mad, just let me smell you! I bet you smell good!" He came into the room and sat down on the bed, "I guess that's the least I can do

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"Ugh, whatever I'm not mad, just let me smell you! I bet you smell good!" He came into the room and sat down on the bed, "I guess that's the least I can do..." He laid his head on your shoulder as you smelt him, "You smell really good..." he started blushing and tried to pull away but you grabbed him and gave him a hug, "Ugh, get a room." Kuroo whispered to himself, "How about you get out of my room, you little!" You let Kenma go to go and beat up your cousin. 

After that night you were all friends, and at school Kuroo would just watch as his friends rip you apart slowly, but surely. That continued everyday at school, but you both just ignored it when you got home just as you had promised one another, but wouldn't that hurt your relationship with one another? 

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