Kids Chapter 1

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"Kuroo come over here meet your cousin Y/N!" You saw a 13-year old looking kid glare at you as you hid behind your fathers torso, you are also 13. "I didn't think I had any cousins, hehe!" You said smugly behind your fathers back, "Don't be stupid we're not blood related were only here because our fathers are LIKE brothers, okay? You think I wanna be here either gosh!"

 Kuroo said when he approached you after both your father and his went to watch Football, "*sigh* Okay then, you wanna do something, Y/N?" You squinted at him before agreeing to do something with him. Afterwards you two played video games, "Hey, Y/N! You like Volleyball?" You thought it over before telling this kid anything about your life, "Hmm, I guess... but I prefer to not participate in anything socially related." He raised an eyebrow at you, "Ha! Okay Miss Introvert! So I heard that we'll be going to the same Middle School! That's gonna be... cool, I guess. (Shrug)" You thought it over and was a little shocked to hear you two were going to the same school, "Hmm, you don't have a 'reputation' do you?" You said with the quoting fingers. He looked back at you and put his controller down, "Well, I guess I kind of do why do you ask?" You were asking that because you have a 'bad reputation' at your school, and you didn't want him to be friends with you if it was going to hurt his 'reputation'. "I think I'm going to hate you at school..." You blurted out of your mouth, "What did you just say, Y/N? Why would you say that? Do you not like me?" You bit your lip, "Well it's not that exactly, Kuroo it's just that, I'm hated at school and if your popular, being friends with the hated introvert would, y'know..." You couldn't help but avoid direct eye contact, "Hmm, I guess your right, how about this, we simply just pretend to not know each other, I mean that's the simplest solution to this problem, but when we come home to our fathers we're just 'cousins', get it? Got it?" You squinted at him, "Good."

"Hey, Y/N, gimme your phone!!" You swiped away your phone from view, "Why?" He squinted at you, "Hmm, I wonder... WHY THE HELL WOULD I ASK YOU FOR YOUR PHONE IF I DIDN'T WANT TO EXCHANGE NUMBERS!! How stupid are you?" You slowly agreed to hand him your phone. After that you two exchanged numbers and pretty much signed a contract to not knowing each other at school Monday to the rest of your lives.

           That stupid dingus of a 'cousin'

Hey, um, Y/N about the school thing are we going to pretend to hate each other or just not know each other?

                                                                                                                                 That's your choice. :/

Um, okay... G'night!


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