-|Chapter 3|-

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-(Izuku's POV)-

I don't wanna be alone. I don't wanna be alone. I really don't wanna be alone. But I don't get to decide that. Kirishima and I walk back to "my" room.

"I'll be back later ok? There's a bathroom and spare cloths in the closet for you. There is also a mini fridge with drinks and snacks." I nod not wanting to show my emotions.

"Ok I'll see ya later!"He then shuts the door and I hear it lock.

I'm trapped. I can't get out! What if I'm left here to die?! Dads gonna be so angry! I start to cry and collapse in the corner of the room.

The room is shrinking and it's getting harder to breath. I start snapping my rubber band so much to where it starts leaving a welt.

I curl myself into a ball and ball my fists in my hair. Just let me out please. Let me go home.

I didn't notice that someone had entered the room and was now next to me. It was Katsuki.

"Hey Izuku your ok... come on just breath a little."He says while rubbing my back.

I calmed down after about 5 minutes and my tears stoped flowing.

"Hey bud what triggered it?" Katsuki asked sounding soft and gentle as if I would break at any moment.

"I don't wanna be alone... please don't leave me alone." Katsuki's looked at me as if he was thinking.

I know I shouldn't trust them but they haven't done any to harm me so what's the worst that could happen. Plus they are the only form of comfort I have right now... I have to get use to them if I can't find a way out.

"Hey listen I'm gonna take you with me but your gonna have to be quiet. I'll give you my phone and headphones to play some music on during the meeting. If you try anything there will be punishment." Katsuki's said the last part so sternly.

"Get into something comfy we'll be there for about an hour or two."I nod and go into the closet.

I change into some gray sweat pants and a mint green hoodie with fluffy mint green socks. I don't need shoes because we were inside.

"Ok let's go."He then suddenly picks me up so I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"I can walk you know..."I give a little attitude from a small spark of confidence.

"Oh so you can be confident?"

I just tuck my head into the crook of his neck as we continue to walk. We stop in front of a big door where he places me down on my feet.

"Ok here's my phone and headphones. It's gonna be me Kirishima and two other people. We have to talk about business trade. If you need anything just tug on my shirt."I nod and put the headphones on my neck gripping his phone in my left hand.

He picks me back up and walks in.

"HOW COME YOU GOT TO BRING HIM?!"I hear Kirishima yell.

I flinch but Katsuki rubs my back.

"He had a small panic attack and didn't want to be left alone. Now chill out they should be here here in ten minutes."

He sits me down in between them on a spinning chair. I of course started to slowly spin which made them laugh.

"Ok that's fine."Kirishima says through laughs.

"What's so funny?"I stop and look at him.

"I'm sorry your just so adorable."I turn as red as his hair.

I start to spin again but I hear the door open so I stop. I see a male with blue hair and a female with blond messy buns on the side of her head.

I take Katsuki's phone off of the table and start to play a game he downloaded for me. As I'm playing the game something slams down on the table making me jump and cover my ears expecting to get hit.

I open my eyes after the blow never came and saw a big file on the table. I felt stupid for getting scared by a couple pieces of paper.

"Sorry he jumps a lot when it comes to loud noises. Don't mind him he's just here because we can't exactly leave him alone."Kirishima states in a calm collected manner.

"Ok whatever."The blue haired man speaks up.

The meeting goes on for about an hour and I feel my eyes drooping. I guess Kirishima noticed this because he picked me up and sat me in his lap.

I felt safe and comfortable not to mention warm. His hands ran through my hair and I let my eyes shut sending me into peaceful sleep.

-(Eijiro's POV)-

I felt Izuku fall asleep on me so I was stuck until the meeting ended. He looked so peaceful as his back rose fell with each breath he took. I really thought he was cute and Kat seemed to be ok with him to! If this was anyone else he would have blown them up. Maybe he could be the one! I'll have to ask...

Soon enough the meeting was over and by the end both my legs were numb. I shook their hand and apologize for not rising to say goodbye but they understood.

Once Kat walked them out and came back in we decided to just sit and chat until Izuku woke up. He really needs to sleep with all the stress he's going through.

"Kat he sooooo cute!" I whisper.

"I know... I really like him to. I might be ok with him in a poly relationship..."He mumbled just loud enough for me to hear him.

"Really?!"I almost shout.

"Yes now shush!"

Katsuki and I have wanted another person in our relationship but we never seemed to find someone that fit well within the relationship we already had. We weren't about to break up because of someone els.

"Do you think he could be the one?"I look into his eyes hoping he would say yes.

"Yes..." I almost scream with excitement hearing his answer.

"Do you think he'll like us back?! What if he doesn't and leaves?! Wha-"He cuts me off

"I'm sure he will Ei but let's give him time to settle in and get use to us. You also need to realize if he does date us it out him at risk."I nod and we talk for another hour until Izuku starts waking up.

-1100 words-

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