Chapter 10- Telling Simon Everything

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Olivia POV

I couldn't believe it. I had to be dreaming. Simon Cowell had just asked me to tour as the opening act for One Direction, who I was told were the biggest boyband on the planet. I knew who Simon was because on of my teacher when I was in year 6 made us all watch the X Factor finals due to her crazy obsession and the fact that it was aired, for some reason, during the day. Nobody had complained, it was time away from lessons, and being year 6 you felt like royalty over everybody else, being too good for school. Well, everybody but me felt that way, as school was my asylum, but the idea of watching something that was happening in the social world that very second was amazing to think about.

I couldn't think of what to say to Simon, as although it was a once in a lifetime opportunity and it give me around 6-9 months of freedom from life, I didn't know how my Dad would react to me going home and leaving with all my stuff, which wasn't a lot, not to return for such a long time. He hadn't even let me go on overnight school trips, excusing it as not enough money or that I had been misbehaving at home and didn't deserve it. Sometimes teachers had spoken up, but they were always convinced.

After all, he couldn't say he didn't want his punching bag to leave him behind, though him leaving it was perfectly fine. It was as though I was an object to him, an object that he owned and could leave as he wished, but nobody else could ever have again.

I couldn't say all that to these guys. I really wanted to go, but I would never make it out of the house in a fit condition to perform, or even alive if it annoyed him enough. All the boys were looking at me expectantly, wanting an answer, but I didn't know if I could give them one, not without explaining the situation to at least one of them. If I told any one of the boys, I was certain they would tell the others. I wasn't as shook up as before, and quickly gave each boys a hug before dragging Simon out the room with a mumbled 'I need to tell you something'. The boys all looked liked I had killed a puppy, as though they thought I was going to say no or didn't want them to hear my answer straight up. The latter wasn't a complete lie, but it wasn't the whole truth.

I had a plan, and Simon was the key part of it.

If I told Simon, being the adult he is, he could do something without the boys knowing yet, and I could still be seen as normal in their eyes. Well, as normal as I could be after the show I just put on. I would tell them eventually, but for now, i wasn't ready, and Simon was only finding out because it was necessity to go off and live my dream. A dream that, until I met the boys, I had deemed impossible.

I took Simon into one of the rooms upstairs, not wanting to clear up hs confusion until I was sure that nobody would hear me through the walls and floors. This was not something I wanted the boys to know until it was absolutely necessary, meaning they wouldn't see me as some sort of charity case more than they already did. It wasn't a feeling she wanted to feel so soon into her new friendship.

They ended up in one of the spare guest rooms, one that Simon had suggested because it was on the complete opposite side of the house to the kitchen, and the boys would be even less likely to hear. I assumed that Simon had caught on that I didn't want them to know something, and that whatever the something was, it was bad. He wasn't wrong either, which would have been upsetting to anybody else, but my emotional state was so wrecked that I didn't feel it anymore. Things only affected me when the boys were around, or when I was directly thinking of them in a happy way. Curse friendship!

Simon lead me over to the bed and sat me down, waiting patiently for me to start talking. I knew what I needed to say, I just didn't know how to say it without making him think I was an attention seeking freak who only wanted his help for the money and fame. 'Olivia, stop being an idiot and just tell the man.' Talking to myself now, how healthy.

"Simon, there is something I need to talk to you about, but I don't want you to tell the boys. I will tell them when I'm ready. Can you promise me that?" I looked up at him from where I had been watching my fidgeting hands, feeling some relief when he nodded and smiled comfortingly at me, silently promising and urging me to go on. "I'm only telling you this because I have to. It's the only way I can finally get out of this place and live my dream of singing from when I was little. i'm sorry I have to burden you with everything I am about to say."

I looked up again, wanting to see if he was changing his mind about listening, but he was still being nice and comforting, and even wrapped and arm around my shoulder, making me flinch momentarily, but lean into him for comfort no matter. I was going to need it if my emotions decided to make an appearance once again that day.

"When I was 6, I went to school happy, but came home and found my house burned to the ground, my mother and step-father dead. Having no other relatives who could take me in, I was handed over to my Dad, who I hadn't seen since I was 4, and for good reason. The last time I had seen him, he had given me a very violent birthday present, we'll say. On the day he got me back, he took me home, acting all cheery around everybody else, but making sure we 'caught up' on missing birthdays and all the times in between once we were alone. I couldn't move for a week. He just kept beating me when we were alone, never when his fiancee Michelle was around, and started to neglect me more and more. Michelle is probably the only reason I haven't starved yet. At school, I was being bullied as well. I got on the bad side of the popular girl somehow and everybody sides with her. By the times I had turned 8, I had become pretty numb to any and all pain. But when I was 14, a new pain was introduced. I was playing guitar in my room, and it must have pushed my Dad to the limit, because he came storming into my room and beat me like never before. Then her went further... He raped me. I was broken in every way possible, and had long given up on being happy or having my dreams come true. I probably would have tried to kill myself, but the thought of my Mum always kept me going, knowing that it wasn't what she would have wanted. I lost hope. Until Niall, but then you know the story from there..."

I looked up at Simon, expecting him to be angry with me for even going near the boys or himself when I was such a freak, but instead he was crying. I was so shocked, I didn't know what to do, whether to finish what I had started or just stop and leave, never come back. It's not like adding my problems to his would do anybody any good. "Do you want me to finish, or would you rather I leave now?" I spoke so quietly, almost afraid of what he would say, of what he was going to do. He mumbled out a 'Finish' between sobs, and I wrapped my arms around him, trying to comfort him. It was, after all, my fault he was crying. I had been the one to dump all my feelings onto him.

"I really would love to go on tour with the guys, I would. It gives me an escape not only from my Dad but from everybody at school, whilst also letting me live a dream I had long lost hope for. But all my stuff is at home, and trying to get out of their alive, let alone unharmed, would be nearly impossible. And it's not like I can go on tour without my stuff."

At this point, Simon seemed to have fit everything together: why I had told him that, why I didn't want to tell the boys yet, why I had reacted badly to everybody. I hoped he had a plan of what to do, if he even wanted to help me that was. After all, who would want to help out an abused, bullied, freakish little bi-.

"I understand." Simon's words made my head snap up towards him, thinking I had misheard him. There was no way Simon Cowell of all people actually wanted to help me, pathetic Olivia Moore, escape my cursed life and live my dream on the stage. It was impossible, unheard of in social history, for someone that important to help someone as pathetic as me. "I'm going to make sure you get to live your dream and get out of here. You of all people deserve it."

I smiled, for the first time in a long time, without any amount of force needed. I lunged forward and hugged Simon tightly, crying happy tears whilst he stroked my hair, chuckling at my response. I could tell already he was going to be like a dad to me, better than the one I had at the moment. I was so happy I could jump around screaming, and that is exactly what I did. I ran down the stairs, Simon laughing and making his way down with me much slower. I bolted around the first floor looking for the boys when they weren't where we left them, and found the in the living room watching TV.

I ran up and pulled Niall up, jumping around holding onto his hands, everybody laughing at how excited I was. I then hugged each one of them individually, still bouncing slightly, waiting for Simon to catch up before I exploded. When he was finally in the room, I screamed,


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