Chapter 11- Going Home For Now

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Niall POV

When Olivia told us that she was going on tour, I was ecstatic. I mean, this girl, this talented, beautiful girl that I was falling in love with, was going to be by my side for the next few months. Simon seemed to be happy in a different way to the rest of us, but I didn't take notice of his almost sympathetic smile. I was too happy to be put down by anything.

I jumped up from my spot on the sofa, pulling her into my arms and spinning her around, making her burst into laughter, a laughter which became contagious around the room. Each of the boys began laughing along with me, including Simon, bringing Liv in for a hug of their own when I put her down after a while. She was still bouncing around when everybody had finished, but then she just stopped, completely changing her mood in less than a second. It was confusing, but she just looked to Simon, who lightly nodded his head as though to reassure her of something. Probably something to do with whatever she insisted on telling him upstairs earlier.

Olivia went back to her happy self, and the night continued. In the end, Simon had to leave to finish up some work, claiming he would be back in the morning to take Liv to do some work ready for the tour. Nobody completely understood, though Olivia herself understood completely, smiling gratefully. What was going on with those 2? How come Simon knew what was bothering her when the boys and I had known her for longer?

We continued our cut off game of truth or dare, with Louis licking Harry's feet, Liam eating ice cream with a spoon, Zayn breaking a mirror and Harry had to straighten his curls with the help of Olivia. I was supposed to kiss Olivia, but she point blank refused, so I had to go a week without Nando's. It was pretty obvious that I would have preferred the former over anything. By the time the game was over, it was pitch black outside, so we insisted that Liv stay in one of the guest rooms, not wanting anything to happen to her. With much denial, she finally gave in, though it seemed to be with a lot of difficulty.

We all went to bed, saying goodnight before we parted ways. Louis gave Olivia some of his girlfriend, Eleanor's, pyjama's that she left at his house in case of 'emergency' sleepovers. I fell asleep with thoughts racing through my mind, first and foremost about Olivia and the many months ahead of us. So peaceful.....


Olivia POV

When I woke up the next morning, I panicked, unaware of where I was or what I was wearing or how I had gotten there. The memories of the night before came back to me soon enough, calming me enough to get out of bed and face the world again. Knowing I wasn't at home was more comforting than it should've been for any ordinary teenager, but then again, I was far from ordinary.

I went down the stairs, following the smell of food to the kitchen, where I found Harry cooking pancakes, one of my childhood favourites. I hadn't had them in years! I quite literally pounced onto Harry's back, begging for pancakes. He seemed shocked at my outburst, so I quickly backed away and just sat down at the island, waiting for him to yell at me. Instead, a plate of pancakes was slid in front of me. I looked up and Harry was beaming at me, so I returned the gesture, though much weaker.

I dug in, not sparing a glance at the weird looks I was receiving for my eating habits. I was a girl, it wasn't how you expected a girl to eat. But this was the first real breakfast I had eaten in a while, so the opinions of 5 teenage boys was not going to stop me at that moment. I was too hungry.

When I had finished, I looked to each of the boys, knowing they were going to ask something, or maybe even insult me for the way I just ate in front of them. But I was saved from anything when Simon walked into the room, though whether it was fortunate or not was still the question. It all depended on how Simon had used what I had told him and what I was going to have to face in the coming hours.

"Hello boys. Olivia, dear, you should go get dressed, we are going to get your stuff and do some work for the tour." I nodded and got up from my seat, briefly stopping at the foot of the stairs to hear the boys ask if they could come help with my luggage. Please say no! And Simon did, mentioning that he was going to have to have a discussion with my parents because I was underage. The boys didn't know it, but 'a discussion' meant 'getting the police to arrest the psychopath'.

I hurriedly changed into something comfortable yet presentable, which ended up being my jeans from yesterday and a random hoodie that I found on the floor. It was super comfy, but I wasn't sure who's it was. Oh well, I'd give it back later.

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