Chapter 4-The Show

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Niall POV

Just before we went on stage, I had a discussion with the boys about changing the song to something else. We had originally planned to do Midnight Memories, but recent events had led me to want to sing something else, in hopes that this...inspiration, would understand and realize what it all meant. For some odd reason, they had all given me looks before we sent Paul to tell our band about the change. It was lucky we had brought our own musicians, otherwise this would be impossible.

I turned away from the boys once again, just as I had been since we arrived backstage, and smiled over at Olivia. I didn't want her to feel left out or forgotten, so I made sure to look over every few seconds. Although I was talking to somebody else, she was all I was thinking about. What was going on with me? Why did I feel this way? I didn't have time to contemplate it because we all heard the teacher introducing us on stage near saying the band name. Just as they said 'One Direction!' and the room exploded with screams, Olivia reached over and gave my had a brief squeeze, almost subconsciously I assume, because when she realized what she had done she took her hand back and gave me an encouraging smile.

I walked onto the stage behind the boys, Louis up front, followed by Harry, Liam, Zayn, and of course, me. Once we were actually on the stage, the screaming got louder, if that was even possible. We took a moment of just waving with our free hands, mic's in the other, before Liam spoke up, quieting the crowd as much as he could so that he could be heard without yelling in the mic. "Hi everybody. You obviously know who we are, and we just want to say how happy we are to be here."

Zayn picked up where he left off, making it seem like our pre-performance speech was planned, but really, we all just knew each other extremely well. "You may or may not know this, but our mate Louis over here went to this school when he was your age, and now here he is, roughly 4 years later, and still not an inch taller."

Before Louis could protest about his height, as per usual, Harry chimed in, casually placing a hand on Lou's shoulder to keep him quiet. "Today, we were asked to come and perform for you all by your headteacher, and how could we refuse seeing little Louis' school." This time, nobody could prevent the protest.

"Okay, first of all, I am not that short! Niall's not that much taller than me! And second, we have changed the song we were originally going to perform because SOMEBODY" Louis looked dramatically over at me, making me flush with embarrassment. "wanted to make a statement to a girl he met this morning. Not. Saying. Names." The entire room seemed to have gone silent at the idea of me wanting to express my feeling to somebody, and within the walls of a school I hadn't even attended no less.

I cleared my throat and decided to break the unusual silence for a One Direction crowd. "Anyway, thanks for that totally embarrassing moment Louis. We're going to be singing I Would today for you all. Sing along if you know the lyrics." When nobody moved still, I panicked, thinking my first act of trying to impress someone in years was ruined. But then, a single person started cheering backstage, and slowly everyone else joined, seemingly broken out of their trance. I looked over my shoulder to see Olivia stood looking directly at me with a huge smile, and it made me smile back.

Fans started pulling out their phones to record the moment and brag about it on social media later, but it was something we were used to by now. The band started the music, and we started singing.

Liam: Lately I found myself thinking. Been dreaming about you a lot. And up in my head I'm your boyfriend. But that's one thing you already got.

Harry: He drives to school every morning. While I walk alone in the rain. He'd kill me without any warning. If he took a look in my brain!

Zayn: Would he say he's in L-O-V-E? Well if it was me then I would, I would! Would he hold you when you're feeling low? Baby you should know that I would, I would!

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