Chapter Seven

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My body felt like it's floating. My mind is a mess, I know I'm awake but why won't my eyes open? is there something wrong with me?

"You marked him!" someone yelled.

"I-I didn't mean to, my wolf took over. We were arguing and he just snapped, I didn't have any control" Leo replied. Wolf? why is Leo talking about a wolf?

"You never lost control of your wolf before Leo. This is huge, you've marked a human! seriously Leo, you've force upon yourself, he doesn't know about us" someone replied. Leo sighed.

"I know Steven, I f*cked up big time. I'll fix this, I must think about the safety of my pack" Leo replied. I'm so confused, wolf, pack? what on earth is he talking about!

"The fact that you've mark him is bad enough but also you've complete the mating process. You can't just simpily reject him and expect all your problems go away" said Steven. Oh yeah, we had s*x, it wasn't my intention to let it go this far, it felt good but it felt right in the same time. My head began to throb making me groan loudly in pain. I then slowly open my heavy eye lids revealing Leo and another tall handsome man.

"L-Leo?" I groaned. They gave each other glares as the same which I assume is Steven walked out of the room.

"Hey .. you okay?" Leo asked

"I'm fine" I replied. I blankly stared at him. I remember seeing his eyes turn pure black and just not long ago his teeth was pointing out of his lips which looked like fangs.

"What are you?" I blurred out. Leo gasped as his eyes widen in shock. He looked unsure how to response, he scratched his neck thinking about a response.

"What do mean?" he asked

"Your eyes turned pure black three times last time I checked. Then just last night, you've bit my neck and your eyes changed along with your teeth. I've been wondering for a while now but seriously what are you?" I replied. Leo shifted in gaze for minute until he focus on me, I can so many emotions running through his gaze.

Why am I feeling so different when I'm around him? it just feels so right being close, even having s*x with him meant something special to me. I never expected to feels this way, we barely know each other and I already feel this way.

"I'm sorry but I need to do this. I must protect those I love and it's my duty as Alpha do so" he said. I stared at him in confusion. My heart starts to beat fast, why?

"Alpha?" I asked

"I'm so sorry. What we had was special but it cannot continue, its dangerous" he said. Unexpectly tears began to roll down my cheek as pain shoot in my heart. I don't understand what's going on, it sounds like he's breaking up with me but we aren't an item but why is this effecting me so much.

"I Alpha Leo Evan reject Tony Morgan as my true mate chosen by the moon goddess" he said. With that I placed my hand on my chest feeling a burning sensation around my body. I let out a loud cry, Leo stared at me with pity, my knees began to give out as I fell to the ground. I was now panting heavily trying to gather what the hell just happened. My neck began to stink where he bit me few hours ago. My heart continue to be in pain, it felt like my whole world was crashing down.

"I-I love you" I blurred out. He gasped staring at me in shock but he looked away. My vision began blurred from all the tears. Leo didn't response, he didn't utter a word nor sound, he looked away. He picked up my weak body and drove me back to my apartment. Not even a goodbye or I love you back, he simply drove away in the distance and not looking back.

I held on the bars holding my body weight up. I feel so weird, confused, heartbroken and mostly tired. These past few days have been exhausting, I-I just don't know how to think or act. As the weeks went by, my body starts to shut down. I don't smile anymore, I hardly sleep and mainly take sleeping pills to force my body to relax.

I'm slowly becoming depressed. I don't talk anymore, I stopped going to work, I stopped going outside. I just lay on my bed and let the days, weeks, months or even years flow by. I start thinking about stupid things, it's a horrible feelings.

Please .. someone save me ....

His Forgiveness (Werewolf|ManxMan|Mpreg) His Series: Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now