Chapter Nine

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I stared at my phone in silence. It kept ringing for six times and not once I picked up. My mind is a mess wondering why he's calling me. Am I finally good enough for him to realise his mistake? does he even love me?

I let the phone ring until I was left with nothing but silence. I didn't change my number through these six months, had no desire to but I didn't delete his number, stupid right? I switched my phone off and put it back inside my bag. I quickly drank the leftover coffee I had then waved goodbye to everyone, I'm finally starting to move on, I stopped cutting last month. It's a progress I'm making so why does he need to call me out of blue?

I zip up my jacket feeling the cold winter air blow through my hair. I walked down the street and greeting locals along the way I then grab my keys out of my pocket and unlock the car door. I then start to drive exiting to the highway, in three days it'll be Skylar's birthday. I called him a few weeks ago, he seemed excited to recieve a present from me. He sounded depressed though, he told me Hunter was sick that his bones have been aching badly.

I turned on the radio listening to B1O5 then turning my phone on, I then notice a black van drive very close to my car. I experience a few drivers that tend to drive very close for no reason but this black van is determine to stay close to me. I looked through my side mirrors, I'm having a bad feeling about this. I continue driving then exit out of the highway, the van kept following me. I took another exit heading towards a shopping centre, there were a lot of people here so the people in van may think twice?

Just as I was about to stop at a red light my phone began to ring. This time it wasn't Leo, it's an unknown number. I stared at my phone confused then looked at my side mirrors seeing the black van behind another car. I quickly decline the call and took a car left as the lights turned green, the car behind me seems to take it's time so I took another right then left. My hand shakly grip the steering wheel as I forced myself to calm down. I reduce my speed then took another left until I heard a loud pop, my car jumped a bit. I had a death grip on the steering wheel trying to control my car, then I felt another pop as my two front wheels have exploded. I looked my side mirrors seeing the black van, I took sharp turns trying to avoid houses until I crashed into a tree. My face hit the steering wheel as my air bags exploded. My vision blur and I see blood dripping down my lap.

The van stopped as four men dress in black came out walking towards my car. I think fast and unbuckle my seat beat, a sharp pain shoot down my leg but I ignore it. The steering wheel the wedge towards my chest making it hard for me to get out. I see my bag and I quickly grab my phone, I saw three missed calls from Leo. My heart beated rappidly as my shakly hands dial Leo's number, it rang a couple times until he finally picked up.


"L-Leo, I need help. S-Someone have been following and I-I've been in an accident, p-please help" I whimpered. The four men were already at my car staring at me, they notice my phone then they quickly try to rip my door open. I can hear mutters coming from them I ignore it, my whole body aches as my head continue to throb.

"Where are you baby, tell me now!" he growled, I looked around to trying to see where I am, I have no idea where I am. My breathe hitched, I'm starting to panic.

"I-I don't know! they're here Leo, they're trying to open my door, I'm stuck and I can't get out" I cried. I then heard a loud crash as they manage to break my window. I heard Leo growl yelling at from the other end, one guy grip my hair and smash my head onto the steering wheel. I screamed in pain fighting him until darkness consumes.


I sat in the dungeon torturing these rogues. Another set of rogues enter my land threatening me and Tony, I tried calling him a couple times but he refuse to speak to me. I asked a war wolf to track his phone.

"It's to late!" one sneered.

"What do you mean it's to late?" I asked, they all laughed.

"Kelly has already made his move, your Luna is dead meat" another said. I opened the gate and began to beat the crap out of him then snapped his neck. Steven quickly ran to my side with my phone, it was Tony.

"Tony?" I asked. I heard a faint whimper coming from his line, something isn't right. I can feel faint pain linger around my body, it's from him!

 "L-Leo, I need help. S-Someone have been following and I-I've been in an accident, p-please help" he whimpered. I growled loudly enough for the whole mansion to hear, someone is following him! I see the other two rogues smirking at me, they weren't kidding.

"Where are you baby, tell me now!" I growled. Tony whimpered again until I head a loud bang from his line. My wolf growled yelling for me to go to our mate, he's in danger.

"I-I don't know! they're here Leo, they're trying to open my door, I'm stuck and I can't get out" he cried. I was about to say something until I heard a loud crash then the sound of Tony's scream. I yelled at the phone until I head nothing but silence. Steven ordered war wolves, one of my men handed me a paper of Tony's location, he's not far from here.

"Leo, it's a pleasure to talk to you again"

"I'm going to find you and I'm going to kill you" I growled. Kelly laughed.

"Your mate is certainly beautiful, I see he didn't take the rejection so well. He's self harmed himself Leo, bad mate" Kelly sneered. My eyes widen, he said Tony self harmed himself, guilt build within but I shook that away, I need to save him.

"Touch and I'll rip your head off" I threatened. I jumped into my car as Steven quickly drive, Kelly is using Tony's phone and right now he's been tracked.

"Scary .. too bad Leo, you've lost and I won" he said

"Let him go! it's me you want" I said. Kelly chuckled.

"Of course it's you I want but that's just plain boring. I have your mate with me, he's in a bad shape but I'm sure he'll survive, maybe" he said.

"I'll kill you!" I yelled

"We'll see about that" he replied then hanged up. I looked at Steven, as my men tracked the phone on time.

Don't worry baby, I'm coming .....

His Forgiveness (Werewolf|ManxMan|Mpreg) His Series: Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now