The People We Meet

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"Hey, are you ever going to tell us about why Chief stuck you on Engine?" Cruz asks me, "just some extra training thing that headquarters are on me for" I lie. "They don't think you're good enough for Squad?" Capp chimes in. 

"No they just want me to have worked on at least 2 different rigs and since Truck is full" I shrug. 

"We could have had you on Truck if you wanted" Casey joins the conversation, "thanks but I actually prefer Engine" I try to convince them, making my way into the kitchen so I am out of the firing range.

"You want to try some?" Otis holds out a spoon of the stew he is making, and I rush to cover my mouth to stop myself from dry-heaving. "Your food must be bad Otis" Hermann comments, "it's not that bad" Otis argues. 

"Yeah he is right" I gulp back the throw-up, now is not the time for stupid morning sickness, "it just smells a bit too rich for me" I try to make an excuse.

"Thank you" Otis nods along with me.

"ALL UNITS CALL!" The siren rings and we rush to our rigs. It still feels so weird to rush over to Engine when every part of me is used to going with Squad. Kelly glances back at me out of the window and I want to blurt it out right there and then but we have a call to get to.

Once we get to the scene, I jump out and wait by the Engine while feeding the hoses to the rest of the Engine guys. Awaiting further instructions.

"Help!" A woman runs over, "Maggie is trapped upstairs" she adds, "where?" Boden asks, "there!" She points out.

"Severide, Squad!" Boden instructs as I almost forget that I am no longer on Squad anymore, physically stopping myself from running in.

"Casey, vent the roof!" He orders. 

"51! Let's get a line in!" He adds as I rush to attach the hose to a fire hydrant. Waiting for the okay to turn the water on as I watch the rest of Engine run into the fire.

"It's only temporary, hang in there," Boden notices my downcast expression and comforts me, "yeah" I exhale, listening closely to the radio for my new Lieutenant.

I watch from a distance as Squad set up the ladder to the second-floor window and Kelly and Cruz climb up. While Truck is trying to vent the roof, to give Squad some more time and I continue feeding the hose.

Kelly helps the victim out the window and Cruz helps her start to safely climb out the window but something feels wrong. The smoke leaving the windows becomes thicker, I thought the roof was supposed to be vented.

Come on Kelly! Start climbing down the ladder.

In the blink of an eye, there is an explosion on the second floor and Kelly jumps out the window, landing hard on the ground.

"SEVERIDE!" I waste no time rushing over, the first one beside him.

He has landed at an awkward angle, his head dropping to the side.

"Hey, stay with me!" I hold one hand underneath his chin to stop his head from drooping, "Liv" he mutters. "Yes, I'm here" I fall down beside him "stay with me" I plead, "just look at me" his eyes look into mine but they keep closing.

He mumbles my name as he falls in and out of consciousness.

I ignore all the mayhem in the background. Focusing only on Kelly.

"Stay with me!" I instruct, applying some relief to the back of his head, "not like this okay!" He struggles to maintain eye contact.

Gabby and Brett rush over. 

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