Carry Their Legacy

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"Okay, as far as Beth is concerned, Rachel is still on vacation" I inform Jess, "yeah but her anklet tracker puts her in London and you and I both know London was our code word for something's wrong" she points out.

"I know" I sigh, thinking of another plan, "I have some time before work, you want to swing by her place again" I suggest.

"Yeah" Jess grabs her stuff and we walk to my car.

"You don't think we should tell Ryan about this?" She questions, "absolutely not!" I refuse. 

"Knowing about Jerry Lou is like having a target on your back" we get in the car, "I don't even like the fact that you are involved so we are definitely not putting Ryan at risk as well" I start driving.

"But he needs to know so he can protect himself" she pushes.

"From what?" I question, "the threat is in Ohio, not Chicago" I remind her, "not yet" she argues. "If the threat comes to Ohio then we tell him but until then we keep it quiet" I instruct, "okay" she agrees. 

"So you decided how you want to tell Otis?" She brings up yet another thing that is keeping me up at night. "I might have googled how to say no to a proposal nicely" I admit, "but I just have to bite the bullet and tell him that I just don't love him" I add.

"Well you don't need to dig the knife in" Jess comments, "just say it's too soon to marry him" she suggests.

"But then he is going to want to continue dating until it is not too soon" I point out, "that's true" she agrees, "tell him that you love him but you just don't see a future" she suggests.

"But I don't love him" I argue, "I don't want to lie to him."

"A little lie to soften the blow never hurt anyone" she defends, "plus if you tell him you never loved him that will just hurt him even more" she makes a good point.

"What's one more little lie I guess?" I agree. 

"And what did you and Kelly sort out?" She asks, "thanks again for telling him I was in Ohio when part of the reason I went to Ohio was to be away from him," I remark. "I told you I'm weak" she retorts as I chuckle.

"He said he still loves me" I inform her, "but?" She already knows. "But he loves Anna and that's where he wants to stay so" I shrug, "you have men throwing themselves at you constantly and yet you fall for the most complicated man in Illinois" she comments.

"You're telling me" I sigh as we pull up to Rachel's house.

"Her car still isn't here" Jess observes, "which means she still isn't home" she leans back in her seat defeated. 

"You don't think that he got to her already?" She worries, "let's find out" I step out of the car and walk up to her front door. Trying the door handle but of course, it's locked.

"Were you expecting it to be open?" Jess shoots me a 'really' look.

"Well get thinking Jess because we are not leaving until we find out what is going on" I look around for anything suspicious, "well my shift starts in like half an hour" she points out. "Well think quicker" I step back and think of a way to sneak in.

There are no open windows in the front but I know Rachel and she would have been careful but also left us clues.

"Lets check the back" I state.

"Are you trying to get us arrested?!" Jess exclaims. 

"Look who is the responsible one now" I tease, "now come on" I gesture for her to follow me. We walk over to the door that leads to her back garden. Looking around for any peaking neighbours before I lift myself over, Jess follows my lead.

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