seven: "a sitcom, really?"

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there we were, attempting to walk down the unfulfilling empty streets, each a coffee in hand, and a big bag of crisps in the other. we laughed, singing along to 'i want to break free' by queen; it had gotten caught in my head earlier during the day. it was around 6pm, so for the idea of someone to be out, let alone hanging out with someone, in this cold weather, had the same chances of finding an oasis in dry land. practically impossible. yet there we both were, against all odds. it felt warm when he was around, even when the temperature was below zero. he made me feel warm,

"who knew you were such a die-hard queen fan?" damon asked me, my continuous ramble over how they were one of the most revolutionary acts for the music world. stopping in my tracks, i put on a fake shocked expression, dramatically crashing my palm on my chest, closing my eyes. my other hand flew to shadow my forehead, damon chuckling at my childish behaviour, a hand resting on his stomach - in which he tried to contain himself.

"excuse me sir, i'll find you knowing that queen are one hell of an immaculate band," i answered sternly, squinting my eyes to portray my anger. he put his hands up by his head, in a form of surrender, resulting in me nodding my head and continuing my walk with him.

for a brief moment i felt our hands brush against each other's, but the sensation was interrupted by damon pulling his hand away to tuck it into his pocket. silently, i gazed at the ground as we walked, hearing damon's soft humming for the same song we were once shouting. i took short sips from my heated costa cup, feeling the liquid embellish my throat. the warmth of the drink made me more awake, sending my eyes aware of my surroundings. however, my body did begin to subtly ache yet i ignored it, the tiredness overcoming me was not going to get in the way of me spending time with the one person i wanted to be around most.

"where are we going?" i asked, stumbling on my feet. almost tripping, damon grabbed my arm, steadying me. "thanks,"

he looked at me and smiled. "well, we're nearer to my place rather than yours, do you want to come over?"

hearing those words leave his mouth gave me the upmost joy. a sense of happiness no one could fulfil, even if tried to. his words made my body jolt in not only surprise, shock, satisfaction, but that same feeling when you've placed the last piece in a puzzle you've been working on for endless amounts of hours, with endless amounts of dedication, or the phenomenon of finishing a book, after staying engrossed in it for months. yet, damon seemed to make me feel these things, with only his words. with only a question, for which i never knew why. or how.


damon's apartment had an aromatic scent; it felt as his body was everywhere, even if he was in another room, 'grabbing us a bowl for the crisps'. the ambience of every room carried some piece of him with it, whether it being the smell of his cologne set on the chest of drawers, or the rich daisies you come into contact with as you walk into the entrance. my sister bought me those when she came by the other day. you have a sister? yeah, her name's jessica.

"the state of my apartment is horrendous compared to yours," i said, walking out of his bedroom, greeting him in the kitchen. i watched his body arise from his crouching by the cabinet as he laughed, opening the bag of crisps, filling the bowl to its brim. "i've tried to maintain it to be neater, but every single time it just goes back to its same horrid state again, sometimes even worse,"

he walked up to me and handed the bowl, motioning to go sit on the couch by the television. eventually, he grabbed a beer for himself, as i had previously declined; the coffee being enough for what my body cared to handle for that given moment. grabbing the remote, he switched on the tv, swapping through endless channels until stumbling upon something not worth watching, but fitting for the moment.

"a sitcom, really?" i asked, shaking my head in disgust.

"what? there's nothing to watch, plus, my dvd box broke the other day because of that stupid brat alex," he answered, snit after remembering the situation. "we were hanging out the other day, me and the guys, and alex goes to pick up the box, the NEW box, may i add, and asks why it's not plugged in. i, about to speak up, am suddenly interrupted by a crashing sound on the floor. to my sight, alex had dropped the box, claiming it 'slipped' when without a doubt he did it for a laugh. the boys tried to stiffly their laughs, knowing it would make me angry, but of course that didn't happen,"

i began laughing, his frantic expression, the way his explanation angered him, and how stupid alex really was, were all causes for my lungs wearing out in continuous giggles. i leaned back, closing my eyes as the laughs carried on, not noticing damon's small smile decorate his pretty face as he stared at me. he loved to make me laugh, and he sure knew how to. "if that's not the funniest shit i've ever heard, then i don't know what is,"

"it was quite funny now looking back at it," damon said, my eyes opening to his now growing smile. my chuckles died down, leaving the air silenced. we both gawked at each other, our eyes staying connected, my eyes getting lost in his interminable oceans that were his eyes. time was stilled, neither of us shifting an inch, drawn to each other's bodies, feeling myself lean in slowly. he reciprocated this, my breathing suddenly increasing in a rapid pace. my heartbeat accelerated, reaching an expiditious rate. our faces seemingly grew closer by the second, reaching in a halt when our noses touched.

damon's eyes slowly drew themselves to my lips, studying every crack, bump, chip, that was there - a result from the freezing weather outside. he continued to analyse my mouth, as if to hold back doing something he'd regret. were we about to kiss?

"dames, i brought you that dvd box you've been banging on-" said a voice, not mine or damon's, but a third person. me and damon quickly shifted away from eachother, sitting awkwardly - the space between us extremely prominent.

we turned our heads to see walking through the hallway to the living room, was alex. holding what was to be a dvd player. why does this happen, when we were about to, kiss?

"oh, louise, you're here! what a pleasant surprise," he added, smiling at me kindly, to which i responded with the same - just added with ten times more awkwardness. "anyways, damon, where do you want me to put this thing? cost me 200 quid you know,"

"don't complain when you're the one who broke it," replied damon, nervously laughing, avoiding setting his eyes upon me. my heart sank, why does this have to happen?

"i think- i think i'm going to head out now, school work, you know," i mumbled, standing up. alex tried to persuade me to stay longer - which usually would've worked - but i refused. what happened was too much, too much to even look into damon's eyes and say bye.

gushing out of the room, i ran to the coat hanger by the door, snatching my jacket and leaving the flat, slamming the door shut. distraught ached my bones. i attempted to compose myself until i got home, but i ended up breaking down walking through an alleyway. not just any alleyway, our alleyway.

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