21- Ice cream with a prankster

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Hello babe! Pretty please with a cherry on top.....VOTE! If we can get to 1K votes on my whole story, I will update twice this week! ❤️

"Oh come on. It will be fun, Harlow."
I sigh. Kaia and Rena are trying to persuade me to go clubbing. I'm not a party animal. I dislike the loud music, and sweaty ass people grinding on each other in clubs.

I shake my head. "I have nothing to wear."


"Bullshit." Kaia pouts using the puppy eyes. "I raid your closet all the time. You definitely have something to wear."

"I agree with Kaia. You wear new clothes everyday. I Know you have something to wear to the club." Rena speaks up with an smug smile.

I look at both girls begging me to go with them. "Oh fine."

They both let out squeals making the freshman in the hallway give us crazy looks. "We can go shopping after school, then hit the club."

Rena and Kaia decided to skip class today. I on the other hand said no. Finals are coming up in a few months. I can't afford to fail if I want to go to a good college. Besides, once finals is over will have Christmas break!

Now Christmas break makes me smile!

I walk into the English room only to be pulled by my arm. I growl at whoever pulled me.


"What the hell, dude? You scared me." I give him one of my best glares that he shrugs off. He points towards the English room. I raise an eyebrow and peak inside.

I bust out laughing and turn to Ace. The classroom is filled with about five-hundred water bottles. They're stacked around the teacher's desk.


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"Wow." I say looking at the setup again.

"Yup." Ace nods. "I told everyone to skip today or I would make them my next victim."

I roll my eyes and look into his green ones. "Your such a troublemaker, pretty boy."

"Likewise, Princess." He responds with a tiny smirk. That famous smirk that makes a girl's heart pound. I would be lying if I said it didn't affect me.

"Well it looks like I'm skipping school too." I take one more peek in the classroom before joining Ace. We sit on top of the stairs viewing the hallway below. When the English teacher comes we will be able to see her thrilling reaction.

Ace digs in his backpack before pulling out a silver flask. "ACE KING!" I scold him, hitting the back of his head with my hand. "Why do you have a flask at school?"

Ace mocks in pain, rubbing his head. "Harlow Valentine. Like you haven't seen worse!?"

He's right. I saw a sophomore carrying a bong last week.

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