18- Hugs

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  I looked everywhere for Harlow. One minute I was walking with her right by my side the next she was gone. Where the hell could her tiny self gone to.

Maybe she's in the restroom. It's true that woman take hours in the restroom. I always wondered if they through parties in there or something.

I knock on the lady's room. "Harley? You in there?"

I hear the water run and hope Harlow just decided to ignore me. The door is pushed open reviling a blonde chick about my age.

"Hello handsome." Her red lips pull into a seductive smile.

Screw my horny self!

I'm about to respond to her but Harlow comes to my mind. Besides I can't even hit that because I'm still dating Rena.

Speaking of Rena.....She's been acting really strange lately. At first our relationship was crazy......The sex was even crazier. Now she is always going to her friends house.

I didn't think she had many friends, but I guess I was wrong.

"Excuse me." I grunt lowly and take out my phone to call Harlow.

Of course the girl doesn't answer. "Harlow it's me. Where the hell are you? I told you to stay close by me. I swear you are a magnet for trouble." I leave a nice message for Harley waiting for her to respond.

After five minutes of a no show I decided that she ditched me.

Fuck, that's the first time a girl has EVER ditched me. Harlow is a girl full of colorful surprises.

My heart kind of aches when my brain is playing conclusions in my head. Did I piss her off?


I push the exit door ready to leave, but stop when I hear a familiar scream.


I run to her voice and see a sight that makes my blood boil. She is pinned to the side of the Art Museum by a male who looks a few years older.

"Harlow!" I growl out. The man turns my way and smiles. "Oh is she your little toy? Do you mind if I play with her for-!"

I cut off the molester with a snarl. "Fuck off, old man. Go jack off to your cousin or someone."

"You motherfu-!"

I swing my right fist and punch him square in the jaw. His jaw-bone cracking broke the pity silence. The man goes down and Harlow yelps, running into my arms. I return the embrace and rest my chin on her head. "I got you, Princess." I breathe in her scent to calm me.

She sobs into my chest while I try to calm her down. Rubbing circles on her back, she starts to speak. "I- I thought he was going t-!"

"Shhh....He won't hurt you now." I break from the hug and wrap my arms around her shoulders. My eyes drift over to the cocksucker groaning on the ground.

Should I kill him?

Harlow seems to sense my thoughts because she pulls my arm towards the parking lot. I comply, still holding onto her.

We get in the car and ride in a comfortable silence.



I sniffle, wiping my tears away. I can't believe that just happened. I can't believe Ace just saved me!

My thoughts go back to the pervert's jaw snapping when Ace punches him. He went down like someone shot him.

Ace stops at a red light. I can feel his eyes on me. I meet his green orbs that are full with concern. "I'm fine." I reassure him with a tiny smile. He gives me a boyish smile in return that makes my cheeks warm up.

"T-Thank you for the save and the Art gallery, it was really fun. Well except for.....You know."

"Anytime, Princess." He pulls up to my house and parks on the curb.

"See you at school, pretty boy."

I get out watching him drive away. What a day. I unlock the house door and walk in, to find my Dad working on his laptop.

"Hey Sweetheart, how was your night?" Dad looks up at me and winces.

"We're you crying? Harlow is everything all right?" I quickly wipe the left over tears from the incident and smile.

I think back to the events today. I really did enjoy everything until the pervert came out to play. "My night was good....Really good."

"O-Okay.....Go take a nice warm bath. Looks like you need one."

"Definitely need one." I mumble and trudge upstairs. Taking a bath that helped relaxe my body and mind. I slip on PJ's and get in bed.

I check my phone to see a few messages.

Are you sure your okay?

Yup. Thank you for your concern:)


"Alright turn in your projects class." The English teacher taps the turn-in tray with a smile.

Ace and I completed the project with ease. We made the book 'Lord of the Flies' our hoe. I'm pretty sure we will get an A+.

Lunch time rolls around and I slip off into line with Kaia. "Have you seen Daniel?" I look around the cafeteria. This is the second day in a row that he's been gone. Only during lunch time too. He was definitely here today, I saw him in the morning.

"No. Rena is gone too. We were supposed to work on homework together."

I order Chili Cheese fries with a side or cream corn. I dive into my lunch while Calix talks about his date with David.

"We totally fucked in the car-!"

"TMI dude." Brody cringes in disgust.

"Well then how about you and Kaia? Have you two fucked?"

"Calix!" Kaia warns.

Cal huffs and his eyes drift over to me. "How about Daniel and you?" I avert my eyes, ignoring Cal.

"Oh come on! Spill some tea guys....I'm bored!" Cal whines with a baby.

"Here take my fries and shut up." Ace slides his tray over to Cal. Cal happily takes them.

Rena walks in with a joyous look on her face. "Hey baby." She kisses Ace on the lips and takes a seat.

"Where were you, R? We are suppose to finish our homework together." Kaia says fishing papers out of her bag.

"I know....I got caught up with Ms. Barnes. That whore of a teacher decided to give me detention for being late to class." Rena pulls a yellow detention slip from her pocket.

"Well that makes two of us." I pull out my slip from my coat pocket. I got this yesterday from calling Madame Adrienne a fat liar.

"Actually that makes four of us." Ace corrects. Ace and Brody hold up their slips with smirks.

"Detention will be very interesting."

Hello Darlings.
It me ya girl, Alethía!
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It me ya girl, Alethía!Vote and comment! Thank you readers!

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