I am your father

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Max's P.O.V

The ride to the police station was dead silent. Sheriff David made it a big deal that we come to the station alone making uncle Bradley go home leaving me stuck with these two love birds who can't keep their eyes off of each other. I almost suggested that I drive since he couldn't seem to focus on the road. I refuse to die because someone couldn't watch the road while driving. I practically jumped out of the car once we arrived at the station.

"This won't take you two too long it is mainly just filling out and signing paperwork, a few video conferences to prove you are actually here, and then you guys can go home and get out of those dirty clothes," David told us as he led us inside. A few officers were lined up waiting for us and I couldn't help but feel off as if this was a setup or something. They all nodded their heads to David before separating. Two female officers walked over to mother and started talking to her while the male officer walked over to me. He had a very strict appearance.

"Hi Max, I am Officer Calvin." He said and held out his hand which I hesitantly shook. "I have some questions for you and some paperwork to fill out then you can go back with your mother and I can get to printing out your new I.D." I nodded in response and followed him to an office. He closed the door halfway before sitting behind the desk and logging into the computer.

"so, what is it that you needed to ask me, Officer Calvin?" I asked impatiently as I leaned back into my chair. I was not comfortable with not having mother insight. These people have yet to prove themselves trustworthy.

"Ah, you are the straight to the point kind of guy, good. Let's not waste each other's time then." Officer Calvin answered. He printed out a couple of pieces of paper. Then he pulled a pen out of his shirt pocket and started to write things down. "When were you born and what is your full legal name?" he asked.

"I was born on May 1st. My name is just Max. no middle name and I was never told what my last name was. Last names aren't really used where I come from. The less people know about their identity, the harder it is for them to run away successfully." I answered rolling my eyes at his stupid question.

"Right. What is your blood type?" Office Calvin asked not looking up from the paper as he made his notes.

"Why do you need my blood type?" I asked questioningly as I don't see why an office would need to know this. This made him look up at me for once.

"Just answer the question, Max. This is just to confirm your identity along with your birth certificate and medical records." Office Calvin answered with an annoyed tone.

"I'm O-positive but I don't see how that has to do with anything," I replied and crossed my arms in protest of his annoyance.

"Interesting." Office Calvin replied and took more notes but this time he looked at his other papers he printed out.

"why is that interesting? It's the most common blood type." I questioned. He didn't answer me right away and just shoved the papers to me.

"sign these forms and then I will tell you." Office Calvin said. "you can go back to your mom after this so the faster you sign, the faster you can get out of here."

"Fine," I said annoyed, and signed the papers. "now tell me why my blood type is interesting." Officer Calvin took the papers and stood up.

"the man you call your father has an AB blood type. That means he's not your biological father. The charges will be doubled for kidnapping." Office Calvin said simply as he walked to the door and pulled it open. "you can ask your mom who your real father is. That is not my place, but you should be glad that you're not related to that monster of a man." I looked at him with complete shock at his words. How could he not be my father? Wouldn't mother have told me earlier that he wasn't my father? This information would have made it so much easier to have escaped years ago.

I followed Officer Calvin out and he seated me right in front of Sheriff David's office. I could see that he was talking with someone in his office while also being on the phone. He had a stressed expression on his face, and I tried to listen in, but I couldn't hear a thing. I needed to make sure nothing was going wrong and I still didn't see mother anywhere. Officer Calvin walked into the room and closed the door behind him. I watched him hand over some papers. David took the papers and looked at them. After just one glance over his face turned red and he dropped the phone. The other person in the room stepped forward and I could see that it was Mother. She looked like she had been crying and I could read her lips to see that she was saying sorry repeatedly. I quickly stood up ready to run right into that room and knock some sense into whoever it was that was making her cry. This was not how things were supposed to go. This was supposed to be a happy time, mother shouldn't be apologizing for anything. My hands squeezed into fists as I could feel myself boiling with anger. David looked up from the papers and looked out the window staring straight at me giving me this weird look before putting the papers down and walking over to my mother pulling her into a hug and comforting her and I released my fist taking in a deep breath. He gave a signal to Officer Calvin and he came out to me.

"Sheriff David wants you to come in Max. Your mom has something to tell you." Officer Calvin said and stepped to the side so I could walk in. I practically ran straight in and stared at David and Mother.

"What did you say to her? Why is she crying? What are those papers? What is going on!" I demanded annoyed with all these games.

"Relax Max, your mom is fine, she is just really emotional. Did Officer Calvin talk to you about anything?" David asked.

"He asked for my blood type and said that the monster of a man is not my real father." I answered. "and mother is not an overly emotional person so what did you say to her?" I asked again. Mother stepped out of the hug and wiped her tears away with a tissue before coming over to me and sitting me down.

"Well Max Honey, Officer Calvin is right, he is not your father and I am very grateful for that. I didn't know I was pregnant till a few weeks into living with Richard, or the monster as most people here call him. When I gave birth to you, I automatically knew that he wasn't your father the minute I saw you, and he was questioning it too, but I knew the only way to keep you safe was to convince him that he was. You know how dangerous they were there; I couldn't try to run away with a newborn. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before but the way you hated him I knew that it would just make things worse if you knew the truth. I just love you so much and I could never let them take you away from me" Mother told me with a worried look on her face. I could tell that she was worried that I was mad at her, but I could never be mad at her because she was right.

"I understand mother and I love you too," I told her and gave her a hug. "I'm not mad at you and I don't blame you for anything." She started crying all over again as I held her, and David brought over the box of tissues pulling a seat next to mother. She took the tissues and blew her nose and wiped away stray tears.

"I just have one question though. If he isn't my father, then who is?" I asked my mother. She looked over at David and he cleared his throat.

As he turned his attention to me, he said, "well Max, you know that me and your mom were pretty close before she was taken." He said and I nodded though we both know that they were way more than just pretty close after seeing them make out earlier. "You have an O blood type and your mother is an A blood type. Your biological father would need to be an O type like you to be your father."

"Richard is AB so that confirmed that he is not your father." Mother added and grabbed his hand. "that nice officer who let you in had already done a paternity test prior to asking your blood type just as a precaution since you don't share anything in common with Richard." She explained and I nodded along.

"Okay then so who is it?" I asked a bit frustrated that she was dragging this out.

"Me," David answered, and I looked at him as if he was crazy.

"I'm sorry what did you just say?" I asked in shock.

"I am your father," David said and handed me the DNA test. In big black ink, it said 'Paternal DNA Match to David E. Watson-Michaelson'

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