Chapter 4: the Battle

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(Y/N)'s POV:
I'm preparing my over-horizon missiles. I don't think I will be as lucky as the last time, but this time I'm prepared.
Bismarck: FNS? What does that mean?
I look at the blonde girl I saved. She's standing now, despite her injuries.
(Y/N): I'm impressed, not many ships have been hit by a railgun and still float.
She opens her mouth to say something but you see a dot on your radar.
(Y/N): But now is not the time for talking, she's coming.
Just as I want to launch my missiles, I see another dot on the radar, not far from the first one. I hesitate, then I notice that one of the dots is faster than the other. This could only mean that the slower one is her.
(Y/N): Time to unleash hell.
I fire all 16 anti ship missiles at the slow target. The missiles go straight up, then turn towards the horizon and disappear.
Bismarck: What in Ironbloods name was that?
(Y/N): Those are mark XIV over-horizon anti-ship missiles.
Bismarck still looks confused.
Bismarck: Missiles... those metal tubes that hit the sirens?
(Y/N): Well, yes.
Not knowing what missiles are? Many battleships and other big ships? This world must be technologically backwards.
(Y/N): Anyways, I need to get closer to her to fire my guns at her, those missiles maybe won't hurt her much.
Bismarck: I'm coming with you.
Union: And why is that? Obviously I go with him.
What? Are they having an argument? But why?
(Y/N): I don't think both of you should be coming, she's dangerous to both of you.
I just turn around and go in the same directions as my missiles.

???'s POV:
She always gets into troubles. I don't like her but as a lady I have to push my personal opinions aside and help her. Luckily I was training not far from here, but that does mean I'm on my own. Suddenly my radar picks up a surface target. I hope it was them. But as I look at the horizon I see a ship I've never seen before.
I stop and aim my main guns at her.
???1: In the name of her majesty name, identify yourself.
She didn't answer. Then I hear cannon shots. She is shooting at me. I fire my guns as well and begin to evade her shots. They were small caliber and not that powerful for a ship her size. I need to get closer to fire more accurately. As I get closer, I see something that shocks me, her main guns aren't aimed at me. The shots from before were her secondaries. She isn't even looking at me. After a shot nearly hits me, I come to my senses again and fire at her, this time all shells hit. But it didn't even scratch her. She now looks at me. I never saw a face with more hate than hers.
???2: You and your majesties fleet won't stop me.
Her main guns slowly turn towards me. Suddenly she looks at the sky.
???2: What the...?
She doesn't finish her sentence and fires with a gatling gun at the horizon. When I look there I see nothing... no, I see 16 small dots. One of them explodes as my enemy hits one of them. She is distracted, now is my chance. I fire again at her, but she seems to ignore me. Another dot explodes but they are coming closer fast.
???2: Didn't expect that you have over-horizon missiles.
Another one of these "missiles" explodes but the rest hit her despite heavy fire from her.
???2: Hah, those puny missiles can't stop me, you have to get closer you coward.
Then she seems to remember that I exist, because she fires at me again. This time she hits. She slowly comes closer, her guns aimed at me.
???2: You may continue to live, you do not interest me.
???1: You may not decide what a lady does. Only her majesty may do so.
???2: Your Majesty is nothing compared to my Emperor.
Then I hear a loud male voice.
???3: The emperor? The emperor is history, his empire was defeated by me, FNS Imperio. And it's nice to meet you, big sister INS Imperio.

Imperios POV:
(Y/N): The emperor? The emperor is history, his empire was defeated by me, FNS Imperio. And it's nice to meet you, big sister INS Imperio.
I look at the horizon and there he was. The ship that sunk me. But wait, why is he male? Doesn't matter right now. What matters is that I can get my revenge now. But what did he say? The emperor is history? This can't be.
Imperio: You're lying, the Empire is eternal and my mighty Emperor can't be dead.
My rage only gets bigger. I turn my guns away from that "lady" and aim it at him.
Imperio: Also Imperio is my name, the Emperor gave it to me personally.
(Y/N): Imperio was given to me as well, but don't call me that, call me (Y/N). But no, I endet your empire, I reduced the imperial capital to rubble and the rebellion killed the emperor.
This can't be, he is definitely lying.
I fire all my weapons at him
Imperio: LIAR

(Y/N)'s POV
Imperio: LIAR
I quickly use my CIWS to fire down most missiles she fires, but her shells are too fast and hit me. Luckily they don't penetrate my armor as they are apparently HE shells. As I shoot my secondaries at her, my main guns are still turning towards her. My missiles aren't ready yet. Why did I think talking was a good idea? I need time right now. Then I see some jets bombarding her and some primitive shells hitting her. I turn around and see Union and Bismarck. As I look back, she fires her railguns again, this time definitely AP shells and two hit me. The pain is not as big as I imagined but it's still there. Finally my own railguns finished turning and I brace for the recoil. As soon as I want to fire, I hear someone screaming at me.
Bismarck: (Y/N), submarine.
But it was too late, a torpedo hit me and b my concentration. I fire my railguns but the recoil wiped me off my feets again. Not a single shell hit. I see Imperio quickly charging at me so I roll away and quickly stand up. She is too close for a good hit so I just hit her rigging with my fist. I didn't expect to do any damage but surprisingly my fist breaks the armor on one of her turrets. She pushes me away and aims her guns at me again, but another wave of planes and shells from Union and Bismarck makes her turn towards them.
(Y/N): No you don't, I am your enemy here.
But then all I can see is smoke that appeared suddenly. After the smoke clears Imperio is nowhere to be seem.
Then the girl Imperio was attacking before talks.
???: Thank you (Y/N) for saving me. I am the Admiral class battlecruiser HMS Hood.
(Y/N): Nice to meet you, I am the Imperio XXVI class Railgun Battleship FNS Imperio, but you can call me (Y/N).
She smiles, but then she sees the ships behind me and her smile becomes cold.
Bismarck: What are you doing here Hood?
Hood: I was on my way to save you, but I got interrupted.
Hood is smiling, but I can feel her cold smile like a laser going past me and hitting Bismarck.
Union: Anyways, we need to go to a port, you do have one, right?
Hood: Yes, we do have one, I need to introduce you to my majesty.
Bismarck: No, they need to help us carry the injured back to AzurLane port.
Why are they fighting? What are they exactly arguing about?
(Y/N): I have to agree with Bismarck, the injured have priority.
Hood: Then I shall help you.

Imperio's POV:
Imperio: why did you drag me away? I had everything under control.
The submarine siren that dragged me away looks at me and smugs.
???: Control? You called that control? I call that getting your stern beaten.
Imperio: I just need on good shot to...
???: To not penetrate his armor? Don't you see it? You're weak, you need our help.
Not this discussion again, but this time she's right. I can't think of myself, I have to think for the empire. I need to get stronger.

Prepare yourself, my little brother.

Next chapter done, another week gone. I think I can keep a schedule of a chapter a week.
But here a few votes, votes close when next chapter is released:

Should you turn Imperio friendly or keep as an enemy?

Should (Y/N) have some conflicts with the other ships?

Should I expand the backstory or does it need to stop?

You like the story so far or not?

So I hope you like the story so far and see you next week.

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