Chapter 2: The rise

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(Y/N)'s POV:
(Y/N): We should help them.
I walked towards the radio to reply when Union stopped me. I see anger in her eyes or is that fear?
Union: We can't just walk around and follow a random radio transmission, what if it's a trap from the enemies we found before we got here?
The enemies... I did not think of them. It would surely not end well to encounter them without any escort.
(Y/N): Yes, a trap would indeed be not good, but we can't just ignore a call for help.
Union: But where should we go? We don't know where the transmission came from.
(Y/N): If we only have some aircraft that could scout the area, that would be great.
I looked at the carrier, that has some aircraft ready on both of it's deck.

Unions POV:
He looks at the Carrier with a fake thinking face. I feel my face getting red again. I turn my back to (Y/N) just so he couldn't see my face. But he is right, I am a carrier with planes.
Union: G... Good, but even if we spot them, how can we drive our ships?
(Y/N): Yes, I only managed to shoot the guns, but what if I...
I can't hear the rest as he starts to mumble. As I turn around to face hin again, the whole ship suddenly starts glowing blue. Before I could react, I start falling down. I closed my eyes before I hit the water.
But something catches me and stops my falling.
I open my eyes and I see... (Y/N)? But with something that looks like the main mast of the Imperio behind his head.
(Y/N): Now this is the second time you have fallen onto me.
Union: Sh... shut up.

(Y/N)'s POV:
Union: Sh... shut up.
After I cached her, I slowly realize that... I am standing on water? Also the ship, my ship was gone. I look around and see the boat she used to come to me. I put her into the boat and look at myself.
There is a miniature version of the bow and aft of the Imperio to my left and right. There are also two pistol holsters to both my sides and something that looks like an SMG on another holster on my chest. I look at these guns and the pistols looks like a small version of the 80mm guns while the SMG has two barrels and looks like the 127mm guns. On my legs are what looks like missiles and there was something on my back but I can't see it.
(Y/N): Not bad, not bad at all.
Union: How... Why... What was that?
(Y/N): To be honest, I have no idea what that was, but I like it. How about you try it yourself? Just concentrate on your ship.
The carrier starts to glow blue, turn into cubes that fly to union, then form something on her back.
After her transformation she has the tower of the carrier on her back and one flight deck on each side. She looks at herself like I did then she launches two jet planes.
Union: You're right, this isn't half bad.
She then sees that I was staring at her the entire time and blushes a bit.
Union: Stop staring at me, I didn't do the same when you transformed.
(Y/N): Yes you did.

???'s POV:
This world is different than mine, but my purpose is the same: spread terror and fear.
???1: Hey secret weapon, prey incoming.
I look into the distance and see six ships, four of them too small to interest me. But two of them, a blonde and a white haired battleship with four twin turrets, might be a worthy battle. I stand up and aim my 4 twin 8cm railguns them. At this distance they shouldn't even have spotted me.
???2: For the glory of the empire
I shoot all 8 barrels, the pressure from the reciol was strong, but I am stronger. I count the seconds, exactly 10. I hit three smaller ships with one shell each and one of the BBs with three shells, the rest miss.
Then my radar shows me two more targets from behind, but they're moving too fast to be ships. They can only be...
???2: We need to get away from here fast.
???1: Is our secret weapon scared of the KMS ships?
This enrages me, scared? ME? The ultimative ship of the empire? The BBR-01? Never.
???2: Listen here you alien, I don't understand much about this world, but I do know that this thing is not from yours, but from mine.
Her smug smile disappears as I aim my guns at her.
???1: Then we should leave.
???3: But this is no fun, there are still ships there, and they haven't been sunk yet.
While we were arguing, my guess has been verified as I hear the sound of jet engines. But then they turn around.
???4: If they were scouts, then I want to know who launched them, we stay here.

???'s POV:
The sirens were always harassing us, but now it's a different story. They disabled two fleets simultaneously. I need to stop them, now.
???: Schwester, watch out.
I didn't even have time to react. Three shells hit me, completely disabling all of my weapons. Have I failed again? My Sister is rushing to me, but I'm already loosing my consciousness...

(Y/N)'s POV:
Who would have guessed that walking on water would be like ice skating? While I am trying out my new ship form, Union yelled at me.
Union: Hey (Y/N), I found something.
I stopped next to her. She holds a tabled with a feed of her jets. There is a group of girls in ship forms. Three of them don't look... human but the fourth defines was. Her ship from looks like mine but with less guns. Then I saw her flag. I feel an inner rage and anger.
Union: are you ok? Not that I would be worried about you.
I ignore her as I already spaced out...

Flashback, no ones POV;
Capitan: There is only one ship left between us and the imperial capital. But we don't know which shi...
He never finished as a shell crashed through the ships bridge. The La rebellion Imperio detected another ship on the horizon: the flagship of the emperor himself.
???: FIRE, our railguns are more accurate than theirs.
All 18 railguns fired simultaneously, which causes the ship to roll significantly. One shell bounced off the armor, another was shot down by their CIWS. But a third shell hit the imperial battleship, causing a magazine detonation. The battle was over.
???: Take that for bombarding my hometown to rubble.
Then someone screamed over the radio:
???: The emperor, no, the empire is death, the rebellion has won.
All the rebels on board started cheering.

(Y/N)'s POV:
This can't be, I sunk her personally during the rebellion. How and why is she now here?
Union: Hello? Earth to (Y/N), are you still there?
(Y/N): Yes sorry, I just... recognized that ship and spaced out.
Union: You know her? Who is she?
(Y/N): Right, you were build after the civil war. Well, that's a story for another time. Important is that we need to stop her.

Another chapter done and it's longer than the first one. Also I did it faster but don't expect me to keep that momentum.
The voting on the last chapter was great, I can only thank you guys. But one vote is still inconclusive:

Who shall be your love interests?

One is apparently Bismarck, but who shall be the other?

"The Tsundere" aka Union


Prinz Eugen



Also, do you like the multiple POV's or should I stick to one or two?

Always remember to not lewd DD lolis.

Also I can't draw so just imagine the riggings of you and Union, sorry about that.

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