Chapter 6: The storm

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(Y/N)'s POV:
FdG: Saved my children? Let me introduce myself then, I am Friedrich der Große, H-class battleship and now I shall test your strength.
Test my strength? What does she mean by that?
Bismarck: He just was in battle, you can't fight against him now.
FdG: My child, I don't want to harm him, I just want to know how strong he is. And don't worry about me, no one can defeat me.
I stand up. Even tho she wants to appear tall and mighty, I am still taller than her, to which she looks surprised.
(Y/N): Many ships have said to be unbeatable, all of them have been beaten.
FdG: My my, so optimistic, this will be a fun test.
To my surprise, Union also stands up.
Union: If you think that an outdated Battleship like you could defeat a federal ship then you're absolutely wrong.
She then turns to me.
Union: Now show her what it means to be a federal warship.
Hood: I think her majesty would allow me to stay a bit longer.
Bismarck: I guess it can't be helped then.

Small timeskip brought to you by chibi Hood and Bismarck fighting.

(Y/N)'s POV:
Distance is the key here. Friedrich der Große and me, both in our riggings, are separated by quite a distance. I'm probably out of her range but she definitely is in range of my missiles. But without a lucky hit my missiles won't be enough to sink such a large ship. I grab my secondary weapon, hopefully I won't be using them. Then the radio breaks the silence.
FdG: I'm ready.
I look over the sea to the dot that is my opponent.
(Y/N): I'm ready too.
Bismarck: Then the fight starts now.
I dash forward while launching one of the cruise missiles. I have no idea what weapons she has, but luckily my cruise missiles have a camera on board. My rangefinder says I'm in range for the railguns, but I need to get closer as I cannot miss any shot. But then the cruise missile gets close enough for me to see her weapons. I was expecting large guns but these are larger than expected, four twin 40cm maybe. Now these definitely have a bigger range than expected. I need to shoot now. All six turrets aim at my opponent, the rails charged full. I brace myself for the recoil and fire. One barrel after the other fires with an electric bang. Estimated flight time: 5sec. If these miss, I need some time to recharge these. I look at the camera again. The enemy has started to fire her AA at my missile and her turrets were turning. Then she hits the missile and it explodes. At the same time I hear eight consecutive bangs, she is firing her guns. I turn hard port and accelerate again. Because five seconds have now passed, I look at my enemy. It's really hard to tell if I hit her, but she is still driving in my direction. Not good, now I have to use the fusion reactor.
Just after I activated it, my radar has found eight targets in the air, definitely her shells. My CIWS are aiming at the shell waiting to be close enough for accurate hits. Then they fire, one after the other her shells explode. Distance won't work now, I need to get closer. I launch four anti ship missiles and turn towards her. Now we're both steaming at each other at full speed.
Despite her AA my missiles all seem to hit but they didn't do much damage. Despite my reactor only running at 25%, the rails are charged again. I aim my guns at her again, shooting again. At this distance I can hardly miss. And yes, my shells hit her turrets, her superstructure and her hull. But only one of the turrets seems to be damaged beyond use. Now she aims back at me but we're not close enough for my secondaries.
FdG: Not bad, now I understand how you could rescue my children.
I ready my CIWS and brace for the shells. The CIWS shoots down some shells, but some do come through and hit me. The pain is... not as great as expected? I look at my rigging and it is undamaged. The shells did not penetrate. I smile and look at my opponent.
(Y/N): Not bad, but you underestimate my armor.
Now the distance is small enough for my secondaries. I grab them while also increasing the fusion reactor to 50% output. I take aim at her turrets and shoot while also firing four more missiles. She also opens fire with her secondaries, but she is still surprised and not ready while I'm also too fast for the bigger guns to aim at me.
(Y/N): Now for the finale.
I fire all remaining missiles, even the AA missiles, to distract her while hoing straight for her. Just before the impact I turn hard and now all railgund and secondaries are aiming at her.
All guns fire simultaneously at her while the recoil stops me from crashing into her. Her riggings has holes everywhere. As all shells overpenetrated her, she isn't going to sink, at least I hope. As I'm coming up with something good to say now, my reactor gave up and I become very tired. Now the pain from her shells grew stronger, maybe some hit me instead of my rigging. I'm about to fall over but someone catches me, but I can't see who.
Union: And the winner is: (Y/N).
This is the last thing I hear before I pass out.

Imperios POV:
???1: This cube operates on data. The more ships this touches, the more powerful it becomes. And that power will be yours.
Something is not right with this plan, I can tell that by her grin as she says that. But there is no other way, I cannot defeat him otherwise. I reach out for the black cube while the sirens grin just grows. As I touch it, it disappears, no, everything disappears. I am in a white room with nothing in it.
???2: So you came.
I quickly turn around to see where the voice is coming from.
???2: But I cannot grant you your wish.
Imperio: Who are you? Show yourself.
???2: I am the essence of the Imperio class ships, but you and him aren't worthy of me, not anymore.
I become angry.
Imperio: I don't care about being worthy or not, I require that power.
???2: About that power, I must warn you: the cube does more than give you power, It also...
I don't care, I need that power, the Empire needs me, I can feel it.
Imperio: listen here, I need no warning, I need power, power from that cube.
???2: But...
Imperio: Shut up
I shoot at wherever that voice is and I'm back, close to touching the cube.

I lied, again. I released another chapter on the same day. But you were also quick with the voting. Apparently you like voting so here is another vote:

Stay at IB base a little longer.
Visit the queen?

See you next week, this time for sure.

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