1-Coming out of the box

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This is my first book so don't be too hard on me please. I will try my best. So, without further distractions, let's get started.

Y/N's POV:

My eyes flashed open. I knew I was in trouble the second I heard the screeching. But that didn't matter. What mattered is that I couldn't remember anything. Nothing at all.I couldn't even remember what my name was. I must have been brainwashed or something because, by feeling my body, I realized I had to be at least fourteen. I couldn't have forgotten fourteen whole years of my life. Not without an artificial influence. Did I know anyone with a technology level high enough to do this? No. As hard as it was, I decided to put that aside and figure out what was going on.

I had to hunch over as well to keep warm. I had to be wearing a crop top of some sort because my back and stomach were freezing. I figured that I was in a run down elevator box thing that needed a huge amount of renovations. Light were flashing, but somehow I was still in the dark. There were a bunch of boxes and some cages with tiny animals. Confused and shaking from fear, I did the first thing that came to mind; I screamed.

It was a loud and very high pitched shriek. I kept it up. After a while I decided to stop since my throat was completely dry and hoarse. I sat there in terror, waiting for anything to happen.

I had just stood up and started to look fo a way out when the box skidded to a halt, knocking me back down to the floor. I cowered even further into a corner when the roof opened like a door and the sunlight flooded in, along with a chorus of voices. I couldn't make out any words, but all the people out there were very conflicted. The voices were all male so I figured I was the only girl which was why they were so confused.

I took advantage of the moment look at myself. I had y/h/c hair and long eyelashes. I was wearing a white crop top, a pair of denim shorts and leather boots, clearly made to run in. The attire was pretty weird, but it definitely wasn't my top concern.

My thoughts were interrupted when one of the boys jumped in. He stumbled a little and I had to resist a strong urge to help him up. He had sandy blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. He was tall and muscular. He was wearing a cream hoodie with some leather straps along his waist and chest, beige sweats and comfy looking joggers. He looked friendly, but maybe his cute face was clouding my judgment. I scooted further into the corner.

"Get away from me" I warned. "Don't worry, love" he replied, crouching down and edging closer slowly. "I won't hurt you" he told me with a calm and soothing voice. I relaxed my tense muscles and subconsciously flashed him a scared smile. Yup. His cute face was definitely clouding my judgement. Nevertheless, I let down my guard completely and loosened my posture. The boy took this as a sign that he could approach me. "My name is Newt, by the way" he said. I noticed that he was having some difficulty moving towards me. I stood up to make him do the same, but I yelped as a rough hand grabbed my neck and aggressively flipped me out of the box.

"Gally!" Newt exclaimed as I crashed to the ground. I moaned as my hands flew to my neck that had just about been yanked off my body . "Slim it, Slinthead, nobody has the patience to wait until you two start your dramatic love story"said a scratchy voice that clearly belonged to the kid who mistook me for a boomerang or something.

I stood up and looked around. The first thing I did was identify Gally. I figured he was the boy who was tall and skinny and had black hair, green eyes, and a seriously deformed nose. I glared daggers at his ugly face.

He noticed and laughed. "Aw, are you upset cause of that, Greenie? What are you going to do about it? Cry?" He said in a mocking tone. "Nah, not really my style." I replied. "Oh yeah? What is your style then? Butterflies?" He teased. "It's something like this" I respond one split second before gathering all my strength and punching his face so hard that he collapsed into the box, slamming into the patterned floor.

I gave a devilish grin for effect, but I wasn't actually enjoying myself. I didn't strike myself as a violent person. All I needed was for these boys to respect me and not treat me like a wimp. An African kid stuttered "Newt, give Greenie here the tour." Then under his breath he added "It seems like she won't butcher you". Newt looked at me and smiled. "Well, love" he stated while pushing himself out of the box, "Let's get you out of here before these sissys clunk their pants". I laughed as he grabbed my hand. Part of me wanted to stay menacing, but I couldn't help it. This boy... I felt a connection with him that I couldn't explain. Maybe I knew him before my memory was wiped. Whatever the case, I let him hold my hand and give me a tour of "The Glade"

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