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Sun rays creeping through the window make me stir in my sleep. I groan and squint my eyes a little but not before kissing my man's chest. I flip on my stomach, rest my arms on his chest and place my face on my palms. This position is quite good to gawk at his morning face. I trace his eyebrows, his eyelash then touches mine.


I peck his lips once, again, again, again. I sigh when he doesn't make any move to show if he's awake. I poke his cheeks next.

"Need something?" he groans and swats my hand.

My eyes roam to his ring finger where he is wearing my ring. I feel oddly proud and ecstatic to see my ring on him that this fine man is mine. Soon we'll be one on paper too. I smile involuntarily because the thought of him being my husband makes me elated.

I feel his palm on my cheek, caressing my face. I raise my eyes to meet his mesmerizing blue one.

"I love you," he says smiling with the love of the universe in his eyes.

"I love you too" I kiss him square on his lips.

I raise my hand in the air and wave in front of his eyes. He frowns in confusion.

"Don't you think my hand is oddly  bare?" I ask pouting, trying to look innocent.

"They are. I have something for you" he hops out of the bed and enters his closet.

I rest my back on the headboard and wait for my love. He comes after few minutes, holding a small velvet box in his hand. I sit straight in hope with a broad smile clasping my hands together. He sits beside me and I raise my eyebrow in fake annoyance while looking down on the floor.

Not on knees? I went on my knees for Pete's sake.

"Open it" I eye him now seriously annoyed and snatch the box from his hand. He grins like a lunatic.

I open the box and see three initials of white gold, the same as the bracelet he gave me on our first date night. I dangle them in my bracelet and raise my wrist in the morning light to see the beauty of it.


"Are they still bare?" he asked cheekily.

I so want to hit him upside down but then I take one more look at the initials. This bracelet is so beautiful and the meaning behind it has me suppressing my tears.

"I love you, annoying punk"

"I love you too, wench" he kisses me before standing.

"Get your ass moving to the bathroom and meet me downstairs. I'll be cooking our breakfast"

I nod and head to the bathroom. I do my morning routine, take a quick shower and dress up. I wake up daily at 3 am, do my workout and then snuggle back in bed with Kevin for more sleep. He knows this too and he does his workout in the evening.

I join him at the dining table. He has changed into his work suit and damns he looks edible while placing plates on the table in his fitted Armani suit.

"Are you on the menu?" I joke and wiggle my eyebrows.

He gives me a no-nonsense look over his shoulder.

"Do you want me to?"

I blush.

"Food will do" I don't want him to slack off his work because of me. His company is too big to spare a single day if not needed.

"Dig in then" he pulls out a chair for me to sit and he sits beside me.

I dip my ring finger in the sauce and offer him. He looks at me weirdly but licks the sauce off my finger.

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