Day 9

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Today is Day 9 and the topic will be .....(insert drumroll) "Put some words of wisdom that spoke to you" This isn't something someone said to me but it's what I read and I really felt it.

"If you really want to write and you're struggling to get started, you're afraid of something"

These were words said by a Canadian author, Margaret Atwood. I've never read anything from Margaret Atwood but I stumbled upon her Masterclass trailer and I was drawn into it. As I was watching through the entire video, that sentence above really hit me. I felt a sudden sense of guilt hearing it.

We struggle to start something seriously because we're afraid. When I first started out writing, I had no problem writing it but I had trouble getting the word out. I was very afraid of sharing my work for people to read. What if people didn't understand what I was writing? What if they didn't like the story? What if they think it is a bad idea? I had a lot of doubts and was very afraid. It was the same for a lot of other things I do.

Why don't I help out in the kitchen? Because I'm scared I might burn something or cut something the wrong way. Moreover, they were food that's to be eaten. I have so many fears and I'm sure anyone reading this, you have fears too. I didn't exactly overcome my fear but I learn to not let it affect me. Once again, I remember the words of my mentor "Focus on your goal" My goal is to become a successful author so I should be focused on it.

If I'm not going to share my work with people to read then I'll never reach the "Successful" stage. I'll always and forever be at the "Trying" stage. One of the tips I always see and read regarding writing has been to always share your work and get feedback. I'm slowly getting accustomed to that, sharing my work, and getting feedback as to how I can improve.

Overall, I think it is really important to identify your fears and know what is it stopping you from doing. Once you are able to do that, I'm sure you'll be able to achieve great things.

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