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Not the most accurate song but close enough title

The son of Poseidon has packed everything. When I say everything, I mean everything. The walls of the Poseidon cabin are now bare. It doesn't look like a messy teenage boy lives there anymore, I mean he kind of doesn't. He is leaving the camp for good after all. While going through the the cupboards one more time, he came across a package.

This package reminded him of his old friend. The one he had to leave in London since he was coming to America. He wanted to stay there with his book girl, his first crush. But after he had come here, as in Camp Half-Hell, he didn't miss her as much as he did before. 

Our Hero had thought about meeting his best friend before settling in the Underworld with the fallen comrades of the wars. But realizing that after meeting her, he wouldn't be able to kill himself, he decided against it.

The broken son of Poseidon wrote a note to Chiron, stating his reason for leaving camp, and left his old home.

He took a taxi to the Empire State building. He paid the cabbie and went inside.  He asked the receptionist for the key to the 600th floor. " There is no 600th floor", was the reply he got. However, when he saw the two time Hero of Olympus standing there he immediately gave the saviour the key and apologized profusely. Percy took the key and listened to the awful music before walking towards Zeus' throne room.

He entered the throne room and he saw the gods...you guessed it... bickering. He cleared his throat and all eyes were on him. He said," King Zeus, would you grant me a wish." The king of the gods was surprised by the politeness of the young hero of Olympus and said," If it is within our power I will grant it."

"Please kill me"

To say the gods were surprised was an understatement. They never would have thought the Hero would ask for death.

"What about Annabeth?"asked Athena,"you were going to propose to her, weren't you?"

"Her, oh I don't know maybe she'll be happy with Denver. After all she cheated on me didn't she. But since I want her to be happy, she can live her life the way she wants to without me. It was the last straw after Denver turned everyone against me. I have nothing to live for anymore," the broken man said.

Zeus' pov

I was shocked with this boy's loyalty. He was betrayed yet feels as though it was his fault.

I mind messaged the gods telling them my plan. We were going to offer him godhood for the third time. Maybe he'll accept this time as he doesn't have that Annabell, was it, girl holding him back.

I stood up from my throne and said, "We offer to make you the 13th Olympian. After all you are a great Hero and you deserve it." " No thank you but if you really want me alive can you please remove my demigod scent and instead give thrones to Lady Hestia and Lord Hades", he said "after all they are technically the oldest Olympians and deserve a throne on the council more than me, just a stupid Hero who could not even keep a girlfriend" he said the last part as a whisper but everyone heard what he said anyway.

I was left speechless by this kindness but I agreed with him for once. Hades and Hestia deserve their thrones, so I snapped my fingers twice and two thrones rose from the ends of the semicircular line. Both of them had to be claimed by the god/goddess for it to change accordingly, so right now they were translucent. I gestured for them to take a throne each and they were delighted.

As soon as Hestia sat on her throne, it glowed a orangish-red and it looked like the flames were real and engulfing her but gave off a homey feeling. When Hades took his throne it turned pure black and stared radiating Nico-like vibes (or Hades-like vibes, since Nico is the son of Hades. Wait nevermind, we're going off track here). They both were very happy and it didn't surprise me (much) when Hestia spoke next.

End of Zeus' pov

Hestia cleared her throat and looked down at the hero who was like her son and said, "Will you become my champion?" He stood there dumbfounded. "You will have power over fire, emotions and can also summon home cooked meals", she quickly adds, hoping to convince him to agree.

Percy thought for about a minute and then agreed to becoming Hestia's champion. Hestia clapped and snapped a complicated melody and suddenly Percy felt energized.

He then thanked Hestia before Zeus boomed, "Hero, would you like a year long quest." Percy immediately agreed thinking that he'll meet his long time best friend after the quest, since he was not going to be able to die anytime soon. Lady Hecate flashed into the throne room and Percy bowed.

"Lady Hecate here will give you the details of the quest and you can go along with her," said Zeus. 

With that Hecate flashed out into her sacred garden on Olympus with Percy and started explaining the quest to him.

"You see long time ago, I blessed a group of 4 mortals with a lesser version of the power of my children. They called themselves wizards and witches. They opened a school to train younger wizards and witches" 

Percy was surprised that wizards and witches actually existed but was sure not to interrupt the goddess in front of him. 

So Hecate continued, "They were Godric Gryffindor, who stood for the brave, Salazar Slytherin, who stood for the ambitious, Rowena Ravenclaw, who stood for the intelligent and Helga Hufflepuff, who stood for the kind. Recently this world completed a war and I want you to make sure there is not too much depression and sadness in the atmosphere around the school. So will you accept, I'll give you my full blessing, to become a wizard and you can join them for when the hero is redoing the last year?"

Edited A/N

1005 words.

We had to make a video as an activity for Computer and I wrote the story line of the video. I've copied it after the main editing. It was started by a different team mate but she wasn't able to complete it. So, i volunteered. How is it?

Long, Long ago, there lived a girl, named Reena, who had an enormous garden which she tended to everyday. One day, when her friend had written a letter inviting her to a celebratory party, she left her home, and began her 15 day long journey.

She didn't know about the consequences of leaving her garden.

The leaves however were afraid, knowing that know their curse may come true, for once when a demon, who went by the name of Wilter, was passing through the garden, the leaves made fun of his unearthly appearance. Wilter was very self-conscious and so sent a curse, the leaves' way.

Soon after Reena had left, the curse started setting in. The leaves began to turn yellow and began to fall from their branches for they should be tended to everyday.

By the time Reena had come back, all the leaves had fallen and the branches were bare.

In the oncoming years, Reena never left the trees alone again. But it was too late, the curse had set in completely and had started to spread.

Soon. all the trees on Earth had been affected and had started shedding their leaves every year, the month that Reena had left her garden to attend the party.

This is how, autumn began. Because of rude leaves and a self conscious demon, who went by the name of Wilter.

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