Chapter thirty-six

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Like every weekend now we now drive ourselves to Jongins house.

I've been more quitter than usual but that's because I'm hiding my secret of knowing who the good twin is between Minjoon and Ji-ah.

It's hard to keep it and they know I'm holding something from them but I'll tell them this weekend just not right now.

Yoongi drove the car on the way to Jongins house while I sat in the back between Jungkook and Namjoon, as they both held my hands. Since we all know that we've basically got four months left alive on this earth we are always together, the boys sleep in my room back at school and when we're out and about one is always touching me in someway or another because to me honest we're scared. We've died before but none of us can remember what it feels like. I'm more scared for my child, what will happen to it when it's born. Will I die straight away or will I have time to see it before I pass away, before we all do?

The baby moving around inside me and kicking every so often is just a reminder of what is to come but that doesn't lessen my love for he or she. I will love this child even in death.

As if Jungkook knew what I was thinking about even after shutting off my link, he reaches over with his free hand to rub my growing belly as he leans his head against my shoulder.

"The baby will be fine." Namjoon

I heard him whisper in my ear surprised he was the one to mention it.


I asked him, slightly turning my head to his side to look at him.

"You're feeling anxious and very frighten may I add. You only ever feel that way when you're thinking about the baby." Namjoon

He gestures to my belly moving his sights to Jungkooks hand that's still rested there. I looked around the car to see Jin, Taehyung and Hoseok turned around in the row in front of us watching us, since Jimin was sitting in the front next to Yoongi. Now opening up the link to let them feel everything I'm feeling more than before but not enough for them to find out what I'm hiding something from them.

"Don't worry about it." Namjoon

"It's hard not to."

I whispered back at him.

"I know and it will be but remember we're all in this together. We'll come up with a plan." Namjoon

"But what if I die straight away? You'll all die that way too. You'll drop like a sack of potatoes."

He nods sadly and presses his forehead to mine.

"Then we'll drop." Jungkook

I heard him finally speak.

"No, Jungkook we'll think of something just not right now. There will be a time we'll all have to sit down all of us and talk about this." Jin

Jin spoke still turned looking at us over the back of seat. Jungkook didn't say anything more but continues to rub my belly softly and I found it quite relaxing as he did this but I think he knows that which is why he does it.

"Hm, we have plans that need to be made." Namjoon

I looked at Namjoon who was staring back at Jin quietly and then Hoseok and Taehyung all nodding at each other and then turns back to me, giving me a weak smile. We're all going to die but it'll be together, I wouldn't have it any other way.

After that we all remained quiet and Yoongi continued to drive the mini van in silence, something was on his mind, I could feel but he wouldn't open up to what it was.

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