Chapter thirty-eight

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This weekend I have been feeling down about everything. I can't help it but just knowing you're to die is not a nice feeling. To know when this baby is born we'll all die and theres nothing we can do about it.

So today my mates, the boys decided that it was a nice day to go on a walk around the forest just the eight of us to spend sometimes together, alone where there is no one around but us.

I couldn't walk for long since I started to get sore feet and back from walking for so long so Jimin picked me up and carried me to wherever we were going since Namjoon said there was a place they wanted to take me to. I didn't know where we were going but I didn't care, as long as it was with them then I was okay with anything. Not to mention Jungkooks over protectiveness towards be cause bickering with Jimin and himself which kind of led my attention away to the fact we were actually going somewhere.

"For the last time Jungkook she's fine. I'm not going to drop her." Jimin

"Yeah that's Namjoons job." Yoongi

He snickered and Namjoon groaned loudly with a roll of his eyes.

"Is no one gonna let that go?! THAT WASNT MY FAULT!" Namjoon

I guess that time we when we were all playing in the river and we both fell because my dress got stuck on a branch will always be an inside joke. Namjoon was truly fed up with it as everyone laughed but I just gave him a sympathetic look and linked him privately.

"I know it wasn't your fault Joonie."

He immediately looks at me, then quickly glances around at the others who have paid no attention to what I said because I made sure to block them from it. When he figures out it's just between the two of us he smiled widely at me, showing of his dimple smile and steps closer to kiss me on the cheek. Jimin raised his brow in question as did the others.

"What was that about?" Hoseok

I shrugged and leaned my head on Jimins shoulder.

"Nothing. It's between Joonie and I. Nobody else."

"That's no fair." Taehyung

He pouted coming to Jimins left side as Namjoon laughs and continues to walk ahead of everyone with Jin also a little in front too.

"Well you all kept bullying Namjoon about dropping me so what I said was between me and him."

"Still no fair." Taehyung

He continued to pout his lips which made him so much more adorable and innocent looking when I know all too well he is not that innocent.

"Are we almost there yet? I'm sure I'm getting heavy by now."

"Not at all beautiful. You're still as light as a feather." Jimin

He kisses my cheek as Namjoon did moments ago and I blushed, burying my face in to his chest to hide it. It didn't matter about hiding it because he seen it and laughed at my reaction.

"Jimin just give her to me." Jungkook

He whines from behind and Jimin groans yet again.

"No, I'm carrying her. You can carrying her back to the house." Jimin

Jungkooks aggressively huffs with a low growl erupting from his throat throwing glares at Jimin as he walks fast to walk past us to catch up with Namjoon and Jin.

"What a baby." Yoongi

I heard him mumble and we all heard it but said nothing and kept the silence to a quiet agreement with one another. But Jungkook turns around to look over his shoulder and glare at the unfazed Yoongi.

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