A New Fairytale

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Once Upon a Time. . .

There was a little girl,

Innocent and sweet.

Who believed in fairytales,

Where a knight in shining armor,

Saved his beloved princess. 

She hoped and dreamed!

Her courageous prince, 

The one. . .

She believed would save her,

Save her from her misery!

How she wished she stopped

Hoping that very day. . .

Pain struck her each day!

And in more than one way. . .

How she begged for it to stop!

Howbeit, there violence was never put at bay.

Her life couldn't be some happy cliche. 

Yet still,

She was waiting to be saved.

She waited for a light to shine,

For the shadows to go away. . .

Waited for her knight in shining armor!

Until she realized he'd never come. . .

He wouldn't want her at her worst!

Her heart encased in stone,

The cold truth was revealed. . .

She realized what had to be done!

She would be the hero, 

Of  her own story!

No one would SAVE HER.

So why should she wait?

She did not need a prince,

At least not anymore.

She said good bye,

To the once blissful girl.

When the clock struck twelve,

She set off. 

Ending a chapter,

 Of her life.

Not a trace of her left behind,

She vanished into the night. 

Starting a new chapter in her "fairytale,"

A prince came, 

Longing to be with her.

She shut him out, 

Knowing he'd never understand her pain. . .

Just a hoax,

She refused to believe.

To give herself hope. . .

Her heart was torn and shattered,

He wouldn't want something battered. . .

Hiding in the dark, 

Mindlessly traveling.

She came across a light, so pure and bright!

There before her stood. . .

A friend holding his hand,

Leading her away from her lonely despair.

He slowly cracked the stone from her heart.

He became her friend, 

Her savior. . .

He put down her walls and showed her,

She is not alone, 

She never was.

He was just hidden away from her.

Forced into the same maze.

Where each turn,

Made them farther a part.

And each "exit," 

Lead them to getting hit

They shared their sorrow,

The heartache of their past. . .

She never found a prince.

She found someone better. . . !

Someone to make her laugh and smile,

To guard and protect her,

To cherish her forever. . .

He found an angel on earth.

Not a damsel in distress,

But a warrior in battle.

Her movement, 

So graceful. 

Like a hypnotic spell.

She said he was her savior,

But she saved him from hell.

He'll love her forever,

So long as she'll let him. . .

Two people who faced the worst. . .

Seen what should be unseen,

A scar they'll hold forever. 

But forever hold together!

The light to each other's darkness. . .

The key to each other's locks.

A story for time to tell,

A new fairytale to be seen. . .

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