Live Your Own

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What they say holds no truth.

Just wicked witches,

With nothing better to do.

Don't let them grab you,

Remember, it's not true,

Remember you are you,

And they are them. . .

Walk your path,

Do not stray.

For you may see thorns,

And "people" with horns.

They will try to drag you away,

But don't let them make you fall.

Stay fierce,

Stay Fine.

Keep your fine strides,

Don't bat them an eye.

They're just vile villains,

Trying to steal your happy ending.

All because they strayed away from theirs.

Look ahead as you walk.

You will see those who hearts are of gold,

They care for you,

As you care for them.

They love you,

As you love them.

No one said this path was easy,

Or simple.

You chose to ignore the hardships,

All princes and princesses face.

Now you're in their shoes,

So face those challenges,


Become your own hero,

Live your own fairytale!

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