Chp.8 The Rampaging Monster

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(YN) started to grow somehow, his arms started to become bigger, his legs, his whole body, even more muscular as well as his whole skin was turning red as his eyes glow red, eye color and pupils gone, just his eyes glowing red, clothes rip apart as he only had shorts on, he then gave a huge stomp on the floor as everyone started to get shocked the fact (YN) has turned into something that they never knew...

Izuku: What the!?! Is that-

Momo: (YN)...??!!

(YN), known as a monster....he then gave them a angry death stare at them as he clench both of his fists as he then led a huge roar...


Momo: (Y-YN)....

(YN) then stared at Momo as Momo then started walking towards him, she stared at him for a while as (YN) somehow was starting to calm himself, but the man again he started hearing voices again as he then grew more angry as he roars loudly, causing Momo to fall back to the ground, trip herself, (YN) then swings his whole right arm to Momo as Tenya quickly uses his engine quirk to quickly catch and save Momo...

Tenya: Momo! Are you okay?!

Momo: Y-Yeah...No, I mean-


(YN) screamed as he charges to the others...Kirashima and Deku both charge towards (YN) to stop him...they both jumped towards him, but wasn't good as (YN) then drop kicked both Kirashima and Deku, after that, he then started running away as he goes to the he then jumps high and goes to ground beta area...Izuku and Kirashima then recover as Izuki suddenly started going after him...

Ochaco: Deku-Kun! Where you going!?!

Izuku: Im going after him! I don't know what's happening to him?!? You guys go and find Aizawa! Hurry!

Izuku started leaping with his quirk to go after (YN), as For the other they tried to catch up as half then go warn Aizawa and All Might, Jirou then notices Momo still on the floor, looking all shocked for some reason as she tells her...

Jirou: Momo! Get up! We have to stop this! Momo! Are you listening-

Momo: (YN)....Wh-What has happen to him!?! How!? Why?! Who!? Wh-

Jirou: Momo! Listen!

Momo then looks at Jirou...

Jirou: You have to stay with me! We don't know what happen nor what is going on?! But we are going to get to the bottom of this, okay?! Can you do that for me?!

Momo: O-Of course! Yes!

Jirou: Then come on! We have to go stop (YN)! Who knows what else is he going to do!

Momo then got up as he then starts following Jirou to go after (YN)...she then started to read into her mind...

Momo Mind: (YN)...what has happen to this why you have been so quiet since the beginning...??....but that doesn't matter...I'm going to save you for what ever is troubling you!

Meanwhile, at the ground beta area, Izuku then arrive as he started running to realize some of the building destroyed, vehicles as well...he then stopped for a moment...

Izuki: He must be here! (YN)! Where ever you are, come out! Whatever you have turn, you can tell us! Tell us everything-


Izuku realizes a huge silhouette above him as he dodges away and realize (YN) was trying to stomp on him, luckily he dodge...(YN) stood up, he was big, red, muscular, and scary...

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