Chp.22 Take It All!!!

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While still froze up in the ocean, going inside (YN)'s head, he started to have some flashback from his childhood and with his parents, until he then gets some flashbacks of them being murdered by All For On as he started hearing All For One's voice saying to him in his head...

All For One: Sleep (YN) Don't have to fight no more...and struggle no more...this is where it all ends...all you have to give me all of your power...

Suddenly, a voice of (YN) Can hear from his head talking to (YN)...

(YN): Y-You killed my parents...why!? WHY!?!

All For One: Why you asked?? *grins* I'll tell you why. Because that's what I do. I knew that using you as an experiment and fueling your whole body with gamma radiation will be a success, and no was i jealous...jealous to think you have such incredible power, strength and speed...and I knew that I will use you as a weapon, and killed your parents...and once I did, the anger fuel your whole body due to the gamma radiation you have...and turned you into nothing but a powerful monster...and now I want it! No relax...Don't struggle anymore...just let me have your power....

(YN)'s voice started to raise as he then growls and then tells All For One...

(YN): You think you can live with it...Take it!

Then, outside of (YN)'s head, his face was giving All For One an angry look as he then screams at him...


With his powerful scream, he ended up braking the ice glacier around themselves as (YN) started giving All For One his power as All For One started absorbing all of its power...

All For One: Yes...YES!! YES!!!

(YN) continues to roar loudly as he continues giving all of his power to All For it goes on, All For One started to grow somehow, but he suddenly realizes that absorbing all of its power is coming him pain, and not able to take control of it very well....

All For One: N-No!!! Take it back...I-it's not stopping...TAKE IT BACK!!!

All For One couldn't resist the power, it hurts him, the pain continues to hurt him, with all that energy of power he's was now causing to create a huge bubble nuke look-alike as all the people in the city was seeing it, as it does, Momo and them were seeing it as well...

Kirashima: What the hell is that!?!

Momo: (YN)...he's at the beach! I know it! Come on!!

Jirou: Momo Wait!

Ochaco: Momo!

Momo quickly runs to the beach to find (YN) as everyone goes and follows with her, back to All For One and (YN)...All For One grew bigger and bigger as it look like he was gonna explode...(YN) on the other hand, he was in his human form to realize that he can be able to have a chance to end All For One...he then swim dashed to All For One as he swings a punch to the gut with all of his strength he has, pulls out as blood started to pour out from All For One's body as he then explodes, even the bubble nuke look alike from outside exploded as well....causing a huge wind wave to the breaking, from cars as well...after that...everything was calmed until Momo and them arrive at the beach...

Momo: (YN)?!? (YN)!!! Where are you!?!

Bakugo: Damn it! Where is he!?!

Kirashima: Don't worry, he must be here!

Tenya: Th-There's no sign of him! He's not here!

Momo: Please! Where are you!?!

Jirou: Momo-

Momo: (YN)!!!

Momo falls down to the sand with her knees as she started shedding tears...

Momo: (Y-YN)...*sobs* don't leave me...please don't die nor leave me here...

Jirou and the girls walked up to Momo as they felt bad for her, the boys as well...until suddenly, someone came out from the ocean...

Sero: Guys! Look!!!

Everyone then saw what Sero was talking about...(YN) was coming out from the ocean, luckily to be alive....

Momo: (YN)!!!


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