Chp.9 Taming The Beast

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(YN) was still wrapped around by Aizawa's scarf as he tried freeing himself as the girls came with All Might....All Might then went to check on the boys as they were all fine as they all got up. All Might also realizes the monster who is known to be as (YN)....

All Might: What the?! (YN)?!? What happen to you, young one!?! How did this happen!?!

Izuku: Not sure, we just saw him outside and...he turn into that!

Todoroki: We Don't know how or what, but we are telling you something is wrong with

Suddenly, (YN) was trying to free himself from Aizawa's scarf which he is having a bit trouble holding him off...

Aizawa: Damn it! How do we turn him back to normal!? I can't hold on longer!!

As (YN) then continues trying to free himself from Aizawa's scarf with all the anger he has....Until Momo then suddenly started to look at (YN), the way he has change into a monster, Momo knew something, having a feeling in her gut that there is a way to change him back...Momo then started walking towards (YN) slowly....

Jirou: M-Momo! Wait! The hell are you doing!?!

Mina: Momo!! Stay back!

All Might: Momo!!

Momo kept walking...Jirou and the girls then tried to stop her...but once Momo got to (YN), the girls then stopped...(YN) then stopped to realize Momo standing in front of him...

Tsuyu: Momo! Get back here!

Mina: Get over here! He's gonna hurt you!

Momo kept quiet as (YN) growls as Momo...she then stares at him directly into his eyes so as (YN) they do, (YN) suddenly started to have a weird feeling, his anger started to fade away as he then realizes starting to make him calm himself...he then was brought down to his knees as Momo suddenly started to slowly raise her right arm towards (YN)'s cheek as she started touching it and placing her hand on it...(YN) then let's her do that as Momo then tells him...

Momo: (YN)...come back...what ever made you turn into this...We can help you...I can help you. Please...come back to me.

After hearing those words from Momo'a voice, (YN) started to get a bit teary as his whole body suddenly starting to change, he somehow was starting to shrink as he red skin color was changing back to its normal color, his eyes back to normal as well, as they went back to normal, (YN)'s whole body was now back to normal as his whole body was somehow sweating...after going back to normal, (YN) then dropped to his knees again as Momo catches him, as she does, (YN) then lifts his head up as he was tearing up to realizes that he was this close to hurt Momo...

(YN): I-I'm sorry...I'm sorry I tried to hurt you Momo...I didn't mean-

Momo: Shhh. It's okay (YN), I know you don't mean mean...I know there's a part of you that won't do such a thing like that...

Everyone then got together...

Izuku: (YN)! Are you okay?!

Tenya: What in the hell was that (YN)?! Why you never told us about you turning into a monster!?! Your nearly killed us!

(YN): I-I'm sorry you guys...I didn't mean to hurt you's's...N-NRRRRGH!!!

Momo: (YN)! Calm down, Calm...down...

(YN): S-Sorry...

All Might: Young (YN) need some explanation you need to tell us. Come on, let me help you out and take you back to the living room. We'll fix you up.

As Momo and All Might helps (YN) and everyone else, heading back to the building, there was to be someone to be seen behind the buildings...a man with a while black jumpsuit outfit, Twice, was watching the whole time, alongside with Toga...

Toga: Oh my! Is that the cutie you and master were talking about??

Twice: Yea. I can't believe he's still alive and yet We, well I, was lucky to find him UA??! After all these years I though he would be soon dead or something but he's alive still?? Oh boy! Can't wait to tell Tomura and the others about this, even master is gonna hear it as well! Come on Toga! Let's go back!

Toga: Awww. But I go and meet (YN), so I can bathe in his ow blood.

Twice: Thats going to wait Toga...first we gotta tell Tomura and the others about this.


Beauty And The Beast (Momo Yaoyorozu x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now